Today’s headlines from Drudge…
5th day of Koran-burning protests...
Islamists rampage British WWII cemetery in Libya...
Mobs charge US bases...
Taliban: Kill foreigners...
Pentagon Official Apologizes at VA Mosque...
Obama 'deeply regrets'...
Gingrich: Obama 'surrendered' with apology...
This is yet another testament to the ignorance of US “experts” with regard to the Islamic influence in Afghanistan and the Middle East.
It is maddening to observe our leaders, not just Obama, not just his Generals, but people like Bush and even Mitt Romney make excuses for the Islamic ideology by continually proclaiming Islam is a religion of peace.
Romney: “Jihadism is no part of Islam”
In a recent speech before the Heritage Foundation, in response to a question about an earlier statement he made, he said:
“…I spoke about three major threats America faces on a long term basis. Jihadism is one of them, and (1) that is not Islam. If you want my views on Islam, it's quite straightforward. (2) Islam is one of the world's great religions and (3) the great majority of people in Islam want peace for themselves and peace with their maker. They want to raise families and have a bright future.
There is, however, a movement in the world known as jihadism. They call themselves jihadists and I use the same term. And this jihadist movement is intent on causing the collapse of moderate Muslim states and the assassination of moderate Muslim leaders. It is also intent on causing collapse of other nations in the world. (4) It's by no means a branch of Islam. It is instead (5) an entirely different entity.
In no way do I suggest it is a part of Islam.”
(Weird – I typed “paren/6/paren” and the little devil appeared. How fitting.)
His statements are flat out WRONG on so many levels. I’ve inserted numbers above at the beginning of each ignorant and wrong statement he made. These are Islamist talking points, concluding with number 6, the little devil.
This is pure Islamic influence – offense at Qur’an burnings. It is ALSO Jihad, actions to defend and promote Islam. Wake up, Romney!
This is what Islam is: It is a religious excuse for maintaining an intolerant, supremacist ideology among psychotic, inbred people who are stuck in a dark ages morality. That is the only rational explanation of their knee-jerk, psychotic behavior.
Why else would a book burning incite thousands if not millions to engage in riots and killing? There are millions upon millions of other third world people around the globe of other religions who do not act this way. The only common denominator to such violent and insane behavior is Islam.
We need leaders who do not deny the truth of Islam. And if we must elect a leader who, because of our pre-occupation with “jobs”, happens to be a bit south on his understanding of Islam, we need to embark on a concerted bombarment of letters, emails, blogs, faxes, and phone calls reminding such people of the truth. Hopefully they haven’t been brainwashed enough to be totally closed minded and insist on remaining in their ignorance.
1 comment:
It's a disgrace for sure. What we have is a corrupt parasite supposedly in charge of Afghanistan who embraces the groveling apologies from Barack Hussein Obama, General John Allen, and the rest of the dhimmified belly-crawling jelly-spined embarrassments comprising our current ruling class including those who want to take his place, i.e. Mitt Romney.
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