Friday, July 22, 2022

Miscellaneous Tom Foolery by the left and their ignorant, amoral followers…

Everything from releasing criminals, to excusing “mental illness”, to open borders, to endless genders reflect the mindset of leftists and their brainless, amoral followers.

New York leftists adopted a law that caused the release of an attempted assassin of a political candidate on his own recognizance – justified by being suspected of being “mentally ill.”  “Mental illness” is our new “get out of jail free” card.  The major problem with that approach is that every deviant, hostile, criminal behavior has a term developed by the psychiatric profession that classifies that behavior as a “mental illness” – the get out of jail free” card. Learn English Words - TOMFOOLERY - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with ...

California, Washington, Oregon, New York and most large cities have District Attorneys who love releasing known felons into the wild, mental illness or not.

Oh, and defund or just don’t support the actions of police.  That is one other method to allow the lawless to do their thing without consequences. You might as well be a cop in Tehran with a Christian cross on your cap than to be a cop in any large American city.

A nation with borders?  That’s too much to ask of leftists and their brain dead followers.  Borders are too mean.  Anyone who likes national borders is called a bigoted nationalist.  Heck, if you promote the success of your own nation you must be a Nazi Fascist.

Next in my litany of absurdities is gender confusion.  Just yesterday I filled out a medical form that had the following options for “gender”:

  • Male
  • Female
  • Male identifies as female
  • Female identifies as male
  • Queer+
  • Bi-sexual
  • Other
  • Choose not to answer

So, there you have it.  Given a few more minutes a few more absurdities could be listed.  You can easily think of others. Reversing energy independence is one, but that’s too easy.

The common denominators of all the above are:

  • Rebellion against traditional morality
  • Pandering to the lowest common denominator in society
  • Believing in a utopian society via promotion of globalism – belief that we can all be kumbaya (naïve idealism and a sort of precious, touchy-feely, hand-holding spirit of rosy-eyed unity) and ignore human nature – the genesis of open borders and abhorring nationalism.

The dissolution of a commonly held Judeo-Christian morality is at the heart of these trends.  Diversity is now superior to unity – as long as your diversity is amoral and anti-American.

It’s a strange strange world we live in, Master Brandon.

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Can we have anarchy and fascism at the same time?

Our public officials and media don't want to know or admit to the cause of violence in our streets, schools and cities.  Instead they blame it on the gun, the cops, the pressure cooker, or the errant car driven into the crowd.

Instead of identifying the root causes, they broad brush their response and take rights and freedoms away from EVERYONE. Take away the gun, the bullets, the magazines.  Subject everyone to the draconian measures airport body searches because of 19 Muslims.

Meanwhile we ignore the root causes because we might offend someone.

Aberrant behavior, whether extremist religion, extremist political ideology, lack of moral teaching at home and at school, disrespect for the rule of law at all levels of government and society, and ultimately, disregard for a consensus belief in a just God and a generally agreed upon set of behaviors that are a part of that belief:  These are all part of our nation's steep slide.

We've normalized every perverse belief and behavior and can't agree on a common code anymore.  It’s now not only OK to be a pervert, but God help the person who is critical of perversion.

It’s now mainstream to promote vile rap music lyrics – the lyrics the promote cop killing and have “f---“ multiple times in every verse - because we don’t want to offend the black “artists” who write and speak  it and the huge drug imbued fan base that eats it up.

And whatever else we do, don’t offend the Muslim who believes in the only religion on the planet that coerces unbelievers to follow their ideology through threat, intimidation and terror.

We believe in “diversity” more than “unity.”  What else should we expect from that flipped switch except what we got?

Searching the web for a photo that would match this topic I Googled “anarchy” and came upon dozens of books on Amazon on this topic.  Among them was this: “ABC’s of Anarchy” promoting anarchy to toddlers.  Here is a quote:

“I want to tell you about anarchism because anarchism is the only thing that can give you liberty and well-being and bring peace and joy to the world.”

The book earned 4.3 stars.  Seeing this I felt like I was in the twilight zone.

See the source image

A consensus belief in a common morality is now considered too restrictive and confining for many.  And most of the rest of the population believe that is A-ok. Most don’t agree in a common or traditional morality anymore. Perversion and violence are accepted norms to allow everyone to express themselves.  And those who don’t accept this new “tolerance” are called “bigots.”  And many formerly faithful churches are “going along to get along.”

Those who believe as I do, that there are God-given norms of behavior that society and governments should promote, are now in a small and shrinking minority.

Our nation is headed into an anarchist and fascist direction.  By that I mean that anything goes and the rule of law is selectively enforced against those who object to this new “standard.”  

I didn’t know it was possible to have anarchy and fascism at the same time, but we are headed in that direction.