Friday, September 10, 2021

Saul Alinsky’s piling on of squirrels…

The news cycle reminds me of my dog when she sees a squirrel…

She’s out to do her business, but when a squirrel catches her eye, she forgets all about it.  Squirrel!!!!  Dash, yank.  She gets whiplash from her  latest distraction.

The same thing happens to those who observe the media – whiplash from the news cycle’s “squirrel syndrome.”  Every 24 hours we’re subject to a new squirrel.See the source image

A few days ago the Biden Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco was the headline.  Some even reported that our ill-conceived pullout was more treason than incompetence. That perception is definitely worth a follow-up. Was it treason?  Quite likely because how can so many top advisors all be so incompetent at the same time?

But before we have time to grasp and understand – never mind addressing that fiasco - we have a new squirrel. 

This time its the Biden COVID jab mandate.  The employees of companies with one hundred or more workers must either take the jab or be tested for COVID weekly – or else.  The “or else” is a $14,000 fine per individual enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). While this requirement is as likely to be  as unconstitutional as the Biden Afghan pullout was treasonous, many companies will abide because they believe they must.  And in a day or two this, too, will be forgotten and will be replaced by another distracting Biden squirrel.

These squirrels are a version of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” The Biden handlers are following those rules to a “T”. 

Here are several of the “Rules” that the Biden administration especially applied to the two most recent events, the Afghanistan pullout and the COVID jab requirements.  The “enemy” referred to are US citizens who are law-abiding patriots wanting to do the right thing.

Rule 1:  “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”  Many among us believe we must follow illegal or unconstitutional rules because we believe the government has the power when oftentimes they don’t.  Example:  The illegally mandated COVID jab.  Or they may have the “power” but their use of that power many be foolish and unwise. Example: Botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Rule 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Most among us follow the “rules” because we don’t have the expertise (or the resources) to  believe or do otherwise.

Rule 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”  Most of us have self-imposed rules that tell us to obey government no matter what. Our ill-conceived ‘rules of engagement’ in Afghanistan is an example that handcuffed our troops and resulted in our nation’s failure there.  Applied at home, our own personal rules for behavior handcuff our actions and put us at a disadvantage when confronting our federal government. Biden’s and the left’s not so secret motto:  “Rules are for other people.”

Rule 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep the distracting squirrels coming.  Another one every news cycle. That is exactly what Joe is doing.

Rule 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Regarding Afghanistan, remaining in Afghanistan was portrayed as being more ‘terrifying’ than the catastrophic, ill-planned pullout – in spite of the destructive consequences of our withdrawal.  Regarding the vaccine mandate, not having the jab is portrayed as more terrifying than our loss of freedoms.

In reality, all twelve of Alinsky’s rules are practiced by the communist-inspired Biden administration.   And they will keep their “squirrels” coming.

Image result for squirrel grin

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