Monday, March 09, 2020

Public reaction to the virus: All over the place

Perception is reality to almost everyone. And perception varies widely concerning the source, the extent, and the seriousness of COVID-19.

Here are the four primary reactions I’ve gleaned from the “Comments” sections of a variety of news sites:

The deniers and obliviousRoughly a third of comments claim COVID-19 is over-hyped and really not worse than the common cold or seasonal flu. They generally pick the lowest end of the transmissivity and mortality rate estimates and apply these factors to their favorite predisposition:  Nothing to worry about. Or they ignore medical facts altogether and limit their understanding to their scant knowledge of events prior to the COVID-19 breakout.  They believe those who believe the virus is worse than they think it is have some sort of perverted agenda. Unfortunately, I have experienced local medical professionals (one a cardiologist; another a dental technician) who as recently as early February were in the category of “oblivious” when I asked them their thoughts about COVID-19.  “COVID-what?” was their response. One said I have a greater chance of being killed on a busy highway near my house than being killed by the virus. Sadly she failed to admit that I am in the cohort most likely to be seriously impacted by the virus. Frankly, I have never seen medical personnel in full protective gear treat seasonal flu victims like they are doing for COVID-19.  There must be a good reason for that.

The end-of-the-worlders: A quarter or so of the comments predict a near world-ending catastrophe.  They suggest that if you don’t think it’s bad now, just wait till it mutates into a hemorrhagic fever inducing virus.  They often equate COVID-19 to the 1918 Spanish Flu or Black Plague of the mid-1300’s.

The conspiracy theorists: These folks attribute some sort of world-wide evil manipulation of the genetic code to kill off the common man so the elite can progress in peace without the elderly and other low life riff raff. These conspiring ones might be in the form of the Bilderbergs, the CIA, MI6, George Soros, the Mossad, or even some form of extra-terrestrial.  Jews and bankers are often the target of blame.  Often these conspiracy theorists are anti-Semitic.

The realists: While not all medical professionals are thought to be “agenda free”, epidemiologists, virus researchers and many in the medical profession who maintained currency with the characteristics and status of the virus usually provide rational information. Their primary messaging is this:

  • The virus spreads more readily than the seasonal flu
  • It can be caught from an infected person that is asymptomatic, often for several days prior to manifestation of symptoms
  • It’s mortality rate is higher than that of the seasonal flu; most suggest 10 times greater
  • Inadequate testing has results in an artificially low number of reported infections among the population; many suggest multiply “official” count by 50 and assume some number in zero count locations.
  • When testing ramps up over the coming weeks, expect  more realistic numbers of infected to balloon exponentially in the US
  • These more realistic higher numbers of infected individuals will lower the reported mortality rate calculation
  • Elderly (over 60) and those with underlying illnesses such as high blood pressure, lung or heart-related illness, or diabetes are at the highest risk of mortality and should refrain from travel or visiting places with people in close proximity, I.e., closer than six feet.
  • The US has been behind the curve in its response with test kits and travel bans that were required early to minimize the outbreak
  • More stringent mandatory quarantine, isolation, and travel restrictions will be implemented in various neighborhoods, cities and regions of the US in coming weeks, albeit a bit late.
  • The anticipated large outbreak will overwhelm our medical system, especially those 5 to 10% of infected in need of respirators and other critical care.
  • Medical supply and equipment shortages will aggravate the situation.

One other characteristic of note in the comments sections of online news sites is those who promote the idea that the virus is not much worse than the common cold or flu tend to be Trump supporters.  Trump, early on, himself has made comments that follow this line. He has since become more realistic, listening more to his medical professionals.  Liberal network news has become more sensationalistic in reporting this story over the couple of weeks.  They have found the virus to be a convenient way to promote their agenda in favor of more liberal candidates and find additional opportunities to bash our President.

The gyrating stock market was initially a victim of only the virus until today. There has been legitimate concern about pending supply stream shortages from China’s >70% drop in exports to the US, especially parts and components required by our manufacturing sector.  But the 1,000+ point crash of the Dow on March 9th was due in equal part to the oil price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia.  The combination of the virus and 25% drop in the price of oil negatively impacts our oil shale industry created a double whammy impact on the financial markets all around. 

I cringed each time President Trump bragged how he brought the stock market to its high levels that peaked in early February, knowing there are forces greater than any president can muster that influence the markets.  I was reminded how Bush II lost his election due to an economy in peril.  If this declining economic trend continues beyond summer and there is no appreciable improvement in the markets by early fall, the Trump re-election may be in jeopardy. We might have Biden’s Vice President as President a few months into his term when his dementia can no longer be ignored.


Brother Michael said...

Yeh, like voting for a Demoncrap will correct the world's problems.

Brother Michael said...

Regarding Trump's leadership in fighting 19: No one seems to remember that very early-on Trump placed a limited ban on travel to US--and the left immediately labelled it a racist move. Well, glory be. I think Trump and our government is moving very appropriately under the circumstances. Sure the disease is yet to spread more--everyone knows that. No surprise. But we WILL get over it.