Friday, December 16, 2016

My take on “Aleppo”, Russian and US Policy…

Ok, I admit upfront that my knowledge and understanding of Aleppo is only marginally beyond the “what is a “leppo” stage.

But I do know several things that convince me that Russia’s actions there are far superior and more effective than those of the United States.  Here is the basis for my observations:

  • US policy in the Middle East has been a failure.  Why? We have made alliances with poorly understood groups with poorly understood motives who are worse than the governments they fought and are fighting.
  • US leaders have failed and continue to fail to understand the depth, influence and significance of Islamic doctrine and culture.  They continue to deny the relationship between the dozens of Islamic terror organization and hundreds of Muslim leaders WITH ISLAM.
  • US leaders fail to admit to the historic and continuing doctrine of mainstream Islam that encourages conquest, jihad, intolerance and supremacism toward non-Muslims and those Muslims who are less “devout” than Muhammad and Islamic texts and leaders demand.
  • Failing these understandings, we have applied half ass’d and failed measures in dealing with Middle East Muslims who we label as “radicals”, “rebels”, and  “freedom fighters” .  We treat them as though they have the same belief system, moral system, sense of respect for life and fairness as most in the West have.  They do not.

Russia, who for  centuries has been closer neighbors with the Muslim hoards of the Middle East than we have been, understands these people better than we do.  They understand what it takes to deal with their leaders.  We consider what Russia is doing in Aleppo, for example, as butchery, heavy-handedness, and atrocity.  Russia more wisely considers their actions to be appropriate, necessary and effective; doing exactly what is required to put a lid on the violence, killing and instability perpetuated by the 1,400 year old Islam-inspired culture.

The US has encouraged and continues to encourage the killing off of leaders and governments that have maintained stability and order in a number of Middle East nations.  We have created a vacuum that enabled the Muslim purists, the devout, to impose conditions much worse than formerly existed.

Russia is drawing the line on that foolishness in Syria. Image result for shrieking little girl They do not want one more nation to fall to instability and chaos.  Syria is their “red line” and they will not let Assad forces fall to even worse, intolerant, unstable Islamic doctrine-led governance.  They realize strength,  force, and in some instances, matching brutality with brutality is required.  Imagine a little girl screaming at her father for beating up the child molester. That is the West.   The West shrieks like a little girl in horror at what Russia and Assad are doing to the “poor” rebels in Syria.  

We need to get over our Pollyannaism and face the reality of the situation there.  Russia has, long ago.

HERE is Pat Buchannan’s column on the same topic.

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