Thursday, September 29, 2016

“If mama ain’t happy, no ones happy”: Sexist Propaganda?

We’ve all heard the expression “If mama ain’t happy, no ones happy”, right?  This sentiment  has been the cultural standard among couples in the US forever.  It has been the “gold standard” of marital relations.  Keep the woman happy and all will be peaches and cream.

So, if the woman whines, we known it is something the man is doing wrong.  We, as men, need to do everything in our power to keep the whining down – keep mama happy.


If the man is unhappy, guess what.  He is just a whiner…spoiled, selfish.  There is something wrong with him. 

There is no male equivalent to “if mama ain’t happy, no ones happy.”  There is no such thing as “if papa ain’t happy, ain’t no one happy.”  This expression is never heard.

This one-sided responsibility for happiness is just one of countless conflicts exposed by the feminist movement.  The evolving culture insists on equal rights for women, yet the prevailing culture still expects superior treatment of women.

The reality: If papa ain’t happy, no one is happy, either. 

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