Basket of Deplorables
Every so often we hear of someone being described as having “attitude.” I came across such person, a neighbor, who motivated me to write this blog back in March. Hillary Clinton motivated me to revise it a bit this week.
Having “attitude” refers to a person with an ugly or mean spirit toward something or someone he condemns or despises, with or without cause.
Hillary has “attitude.” Here are her comments from early September 2016:
“You can take Trump supporters and put them in two baskets.” First there are “the deplorables, the racists, and the haters, and the people who … think somehow he’s going to restore an America that no longer exists. So, just eliminate them from your thinking…”
And who might be in the other basket backing Donald Trump?
They are people, said Clinton, “who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them. … These are people we have to understand and empathize with.”
In short, Trump’s support consists of one-half xenophobes, bigots and racists, and one-half losers we should pity.
Hillary, queen of elitism, dissing over 50% of the US population.
In the case of those who oppose Trump, most have “attitude” against his supporters. Many with “attitude” against Trump and his supporters call Trump supporters “trailer trash”, “low life”, “crude”, ”rednecks”, or “uneducated.” Hillary calls them “the deplorables, the the bigots, the racists, and the haters.”
How elites and establishment types characterize Trump supporters.
Since these labels are false accusations in the great majority of instances, such person’s “attitude” is synonymous with being “bigoted” and “prejudiced.”
Who with “attitude” would characterize half of the electorate in these terms? Let me think. Hmmm. The terms “elitists”, “superiors”, “aristocrats”, “blue bloods”; “snobs”, and “supercilious” come to mind.
Those who insist on our nation “progressing” toward bigger government, a nation without borders, higher taxes, less personal responsibility, more government handouts, and more regulation have “attitude” against Trump and his supporters. Those who favor socialist, Communist, or lying, and deceitful opponents who hire paid disrupters, rioters and other rabble to shut down free speech are the ones with bigoted “attitude” against Trump supporters.
These are the types, in and out of government, that fuel Trump’s popularity. It is the elitist, academic, “government can do no wrong”, “government-as-god” attitude of the elitists that propelled Trump to history-making political status.
If Trump supporters are “trailer trash” than the majority of the electorate may be trailer trash. That’s a hell of a way to characterize your neighbor.
Only elitists do that. We can only hope that the common sense of Trump supporters relegate the bigoted elitists to their high distant perches where they will do less harm to the rest of us low life.
Apparently only low life voters desire a candidate who has the demonstrated capacity and force of will to reclaim our nation from the slough of eight years of Obama hell.