Friday, March 30, 2007

Uncanny resemblance to eBay fraud e-mail...

The Iranians will be much more successful in their deceitful ways when they master English. A familiar feeling of Post eBay Stress Syndrome Trauma (PESST) came over me after I read this alleged letter from a British marine after he was captured by their truthful and honest Islamic Iranian host...

"We entered Iranian waters without permission and we were detained by Iranian coast guards. I would like to apologize for this to the Iranian people," the agency quoted him as saying.
"Since our detention on March 23, everything has been very good and I'm completely satisfied about the situation."

The English is exactly as I experienced from a scamming Iranian buyer (who claimed to be from Nigeria - yes, that should have been my first clue) complete with their plural of the wrong words ("guards") and the soothing tone of "everything is very good and I'm completely satisfied about the situation."

This quote just has to be plagerized from an Iranian eBay scam script.

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