Friday, July 19, 2024

One of the most inspirational speeches of our lifetimes…

Here is the link to Trumps entire speech given at the conclusion of the 2024 Republican National Convention:

From my perspective, Trump gave a heartfelt, sincere, inspirational, thankful, and hopeful talk that was the absolute opposite of the lies, hostility, and failed policies of the anti-American Biden administration.

Yet the CBS commentary after the tremendous and inspirational speech was shamelessly dismissive, snarky and mean spirited. CBS commentary reflects everything evil about the left in this nation. The MSM are a bane to America. Shameful!  They just can’t help themselves, just like most left leaning idiots in media and those propping up the Deep State.

Check out CBS’s dismissive rant just after the 1:38 mark in the link below:

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