Saturday, March 05, 2022

The argument for doing A LOT more in Ukraine

Up till now, the US, NATO and all the nations of Europe have been intimidated by Russia from taking effective military action to help defend Ukraine. The West’s excuse to stand down:  “Oh, but Russia has nukes.”  So, when do we hand over the keys to our spooked and intimidate house? This is Russian nuclear blackmail.

Sure, allies have provided humanitarian assistance to refugees and belated shipments of armaments are being sent to Ukraine.  We have imposed “sanctions” against various aspects of Russia’s economy – which by the way – our government admitted could take months to have any significant impact. And even with that tepid response, Putin has declared these sanctions to be a “declaration of war.”

So, if these actions are already considered by Russia “a declaration of war”, while doing little to slow Russia’s advance, shouldn’t we do a hell of a lot more?

Yes.  Russia has nukes.  Does that give the West an excuse to ignore Russia’s killing of thousands in their reign of destruction upon innocent nations? How long will the West dally? Is the West to lay down and become militarily comatose?  It has become obvious to most who are paying attention that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a continuation of their advance toward their former USSR glory days.  Russia has already taken Georgia and a southern chunk of Ukraine (Crimea).  There are many more sovereign nations in Russia’s sights:  Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Romania, and Finland.

So, are there any good reasons to call Russia’s bluff, get a spine and militarily join the fight?

Here are the consequences of the West remaining unengaged militarily in Ukraine:

  • Russia continues its blitz, its bombardment, its killing and destruction of Ukraine.
  • The humanitarian crises worsens.
  • Russia is emboldened, knowing the West will do little to defend itself.
  • Russia continues on its trek to invade and consume other neighbor nations.
  • Seeing the West’s lack of resolve, China is emboldened to take over Taiwan and further advance in the Pacific.
  • The West endorses its own moral failure to defend other peaceful nations against unprovoked attack. We become complicit in our passivity.

Yes, NATO needs to establish a “no fly zone” over Ukraine.  Yes, NATO needs to destroy Russian columns threatening Ukraine’s cities.  Yes, the West needs to prepare for various counter attacks from Russia.

How about we stop being merely observers and commentators as if we were watching a bunch of Christians in the Roman Coliseum being slaughtered for sport.

Remaining passive during this sort of unprovoked attack on a peaceful neighbor is both a moral lapse and a precursor to Western suicide.

Post script:

There are those who are simply “hand-ringing”, asking “what can we really do? We can’t really do anything.”

There are those who are doing “as much as they can do” without “poking the bear”, meaning doing as little as possible while being substantially ineffective.

There are those who urge us to stay out of it, warning it is none of our business.

And there is a growing number saying we MUST act militarily, Russian intimidation be damned.

Which of these do I believe the Biden administration will follow?  All but the last.  They are too invested in the US becoming a 2nd world nation via their emphasis on “climate change”, killing fossil fuel production, promoting multiple genders, and open borders.

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