Sunday, October 18, 2020

The true nature of fools voting for Biden…

People who prefer Biden over Trump do so for two primary reason:

1) They hate Trump, or

2) They prefer Biden’s policies.

In both cases, emotions drive their choice more then reason and common sense.

First, the Trump-haters.

This emotion-driven reaction is much like hating an effective medicine and preferring the life-threatening disease.  These folks don’t like Trump’s “tone.”  He’s too “arrogant.”  He exaggerates. He’s too rich. He didn’t close down the country long enough to stop COVID. He doesn’t wear a mask.  He doesn’t require everyone else to wear a mask.

Despite his “America first” policies and many related accomplishments, they just don’t like his personality. They would prefer someone who promotes globalism/one world government, who wants higher taxes, bigger government and more regulations, who remains in his basement in fear, who dismisses Islam as of no real concern, who wants open borders and spend your tax money for housing, education, health care, and social services on millions of people who entered our country illegally.

They prefer a corrupt candidate who used his son to enrich their families by providing favors and peddling influence on behalf of nations who do not share our nation’s interests.

Second, the Biden policy lovers.

Biden is clearly and unabashedly a globalist.  He prefers to sacrifice US sovereignty to international interests and governance such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and support international treaties that give billions to entities that work against our own national interests.

Biden clearly prefers trade policies (that Trump reversed) that favor China and other foreign economies over our own. He argues that he is for the American worker while he promotes and defends trade agreements that suck manufacturing jobs from our own workers.

Biden prefers open borders to further his globalist agenda. He is opposed to the wall and Immigration and Customs Enforcement actions. He favors using tax dollars to pay for education and health care for illegal immigrants, both present and future. All of these actions make US citizens poorer while making our nation weaker.

Biden prefers a top down, coercive government to mandate individual behavior and limit individual’s freedom to fight COVID-19. This promotes a one size fits all, despite the fact that many medical professionals relied upon for our government’s advice have been wrong and changed their positions on how to best confront the virus on numerous occasions.  Biden and Harris Make First Public Campaign AppearanceBiden prefers to have the government be the nation’s nanny, and treat the rest of us like clueless, irresponsible children.  He doesn’t care that each family knows what is best for themselves in balancing the threat of the the virus with their jobs, income, education of their children, overall well-being and their basic liberties.

Biden sides with those who censor free speech and who would like to squelch religious liberties. Big tech along with mainstream media are carrying Biden’s water in this censorship – squelching any opinions or even facts that don’t match their leftist agenda.

Biden has a difficult time condemning Antifa and communist elements of the Black Lives Matter movement. It appears that he favors these groups while he is on the side of those defending defunding the police – in spite of his denials. He is not a proponent of strong law enforcement or strong nation defense.

Biden selected the most liberal, pro-socialist candidate in Congress as his running mate. Harris is scored even to the left of proclaimed socialist/neo-communist Bernie Sanders.

Biden, overall, favors bigger government, higher taxes, income/wealth redistribution, more California-style regulations, and as a result, fewer individual liberties and less room for individual initiative and innovation that made our nation great. He panders to the “something for nothing” crowd, those who demonstrate for handouts while they destroy our cities.

Biden claims he’s Catholic (more likely apostate), while he opposes the primary social mandates of that denomination. More on this HERE, a video from a Catholic priest who speaks for all people of faith and who care about our nation, and the abyss it faces in this coming election.


Biden is the preferred candidate of emotion-driven fools who are ignorant of or indifferent toward the current and long term needs of our nation.

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