Friday, July 10, 2020

BL Mobile: The BLM Corporate Clown Car…

In the photo below, label the car “BLM.”  Label the clowns “corporate America.” Every major corporation from Amazon to Publix to all major TV networks are swooning over BLM.  Do I look like I drive a clown car? | Uber Drivers ForumMany are contributing millions to the “cause” and display large banners on the top of their websites “We support Black Lives Matter.”

Personally, I dislike part of the cost of my groceries going toward a disruptive, anti-American, communist cause.

Worse than a bunch of teenage girls chasing the Beetles, corporate America is pandering after Black Lives Matter, a seditious, racist havoc-raising conglomerate.  The Beatles in 1964 — AP Images SpotlightAt least the Beetles weren’t destructive and seditious; they provided a good deal of entertainment value.  BLM, on the other hand promotes destructive behaviors, hopes to disband police departments nationwide, and was founded on a lie.

BLM began during the Treyvon Martin/George Zimmerman controversy.  Treyvon was a visiting, drug using shoplifter.  George was a neighborhood watch guy.  george zimmerman found not guilty – Digital AfroWhile Treyvon was wondering the neighborhood, George approached and was attacked by Treyvon.  George shot him in self defense and was acquitted.

That was enough to stoke the coals of black racism against our criminal justice system.  In essence, BLM demands a different standard of justice for blacks than for the rest of society.  BLM believes that blacks are incapable of self control and must be given additional leeway to buy/sell/use drugs, pass counterfeit bills, shoplift, and commit any other assorted crime. That’s why we see the BLM movement demanding the disbanding of local police departments.  They would like to see the police replaced by more welfare workers to dole out the free stuff instead of enforcing the laws.

But don’t ever, ever suggest that “all lives matter” or “blue lives matter.”  That will get you banned, black-listed, and demonized.  Well, screw that!  That only intimidates us from using rational common sense – it takes us into the world of insanity.  Here is the latest BLM insanity:  Woman shot in the head for declaring “all lives matter.”

Corporate America is the swooning, pandering clown.  A greedy, willing pawn of a communism-promoting, America-hating, racist movement that identifies as BLM.  Even most rare cop-on-black killings are done either in self-defense or because of resisting arrest.  Black-on-black killing is hundreds of times greater than the rare cop-on-black killing. 

If Black lives mattered all that much, they wouldn’t be killing each other as frequently as they do.


Wait, there’s more:

Seattle Council adopts a veto proof order to defund police.

New York allows large scale BLM demonstrations while prohibiting all other gatherings.

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