Who would have thunk it?
Most conservatives in the United States are, at this point in time, more likely to support Russian government policy rather than US government policy when it comes to culture and traditional values.
Here is the latest national policy coming out of Russia:
The draft text defines “traditional values” as “moral guidelines that form Russian citizens’ worldview, transferring from generation to generation, guaranteeing civil unity, forming the base of Russian civilizational identity and the nation’s unified cultural space, and manifesting uniquely and distinctly in the spiritual, historical, and cultural development of the multiethnic people of Russia.”
Wow! What a concept. Promoting “civil unity” over “diversity.”
Additional examples include
“…“life, dignity, human rights and freedom, patriotism, civic consciousness, service to the Fatherland and responsibility for its fate, high moral ideals, a strong family, creative work, prioritizing the spiritual over the material, humanism, charity, justice, collectivism, mutual support and respect, historical memory and continuity between generations, and the unity of the peoples of Russia.”
Why is Russia declaring these standards? They are defending against the immoral filth from the West. Here is more from their policy statement:
“The report claims, however, that these values are under threat from outside forces including terrorist and extremist organizations, multinational corporations, NGOs, and the US and its allies. Among the foreign ideas said to be invading Russia, the authors name egoism, permissiveness, “amorality,” and the refusal to grant Russia a positive place in history and culture.”
US conservatives have become subject to a government that does just the opposite of what Russia’s policy promotes. Here is a list of what the US government has been promoting:
- Gender confusion and LGBTQP interests
- Suppression of religious freedoms and traditional morality
- Racist discrimination against the founders and our founding principles
- Suppression of law enforcement; allowing lawlessness
- Racism in the selection of government officials, e.g. Biden mandate that excludes all but blacks from Supreme Court consideration
- Facilitation of unbridled, unvetted immigration by those who couldn’t care less about our founding principles
- Erasing, ignoring or rewriting civics and US history in public education
- Considering “patriots” a greater threat than illegal immigrants and others who have little regard for our nation.
My prediction: Over the coming years, US government policy will, if it continues on its current course, result in less prosperity, influence, power and respect among nations than that of either China or Russia. We are rushing into 2nd, and perhaps 3rd world status.
Our freedoms degrading into anarchy. Our history transformed into evil. Our morality morphing into irrelevance.