Thursday, August 12, 2021

Why churches fail to relate current events to Biblical teaching…

Most churches would rather mimic Ann Landers and Dr. Phil than preach and teach what 70% of the Bible is all about.

Be nice, be thankful, be tolerant,  forgive and be forgiven, don’t judge, don’t offend anyone,  be happy, be successful, become rich, blah blah blah.  These are all the hoped for outcomes among the faithful.

However, the majority of the Bible teaches and gives examples about governance:  How to govern ourselves, yes.  But also how we relate to our community, to our leaders, and yes, to our governments at all levels – and ultimately how we are to relate to the highest government, our Great God. 

The Bible even goes so far as to devote the greater part of the Old Testament, which comprises almost 3/4 of the Bible, to the relationship between the people, their nations, and their God.

And yes, Jesus was involved in politics, rubbing elbows and dialoging with some of the high officials among both the religious and political leaders of the day.  Paul did likewise, even traveling to Rome to plead the case for this new Christian faith.See the source image

So, shouldn’t todays preaching and teaching apply God’s word to current events? Shouldn’t it apply Biblical, Christian principles to the news of the day and to the words, actions and policies of our national leaders and the leaders and influencers of the nations of the world?

The Bible has a TON to say about the direction our leaders and nations, and its people are taking us relative to God’s purposes.  This most often comes in the form of Biblical history, prophecy and revelation. Relating the Bible to current events naturally leads to the study of Bible prophecy.

Yet these subjects are ignored by the churches.  Why? Why are Dr. Philisms emphasized, and the majority of the Bible ignored?  Is it easier? Is it safer?

Let’s explore a few of the reasons:

Doctrine and mandates of the denominations:  Almost all of the Christian denominations are steeped in so much human-dictated tradition that pastors are not trained or predisposed to devoted time to these matters. They love to spiritualize most everything in the Bible, ignoring God’s intended message. Bible application to current events and Biblical instruction and prophecy didn’t make the cut in terms of preaching/teaching material to be discussed.

Ignorance among church leaders:  The priorities of the denomination plus the priorities of church work and catering to the needs of the flock fully consume church pastors and leaders.  There is little time left to keep track of current events and national and world affairs, never mind determining the Bible teachings related to such things and making the connections for the benefit of the congregations. Bible application to current events needs to be a purposeful high priority but it doesn’t even make the list.

Laziness: Sadly, some pastors are just too lazy or tired to do the hard work of making the connection between Biblical teaching and current events.

Don’t judge/don’t offend: Too much “judging” is involved in speaking God’s truths and warnings. We don’t want to offend anyone by “judging.”  Image result for avoid current events and prophecyChurch leaders fail to grasp the reality that THEY are not doing the judging – God is.  This misconception keeps them from speaking God’s truth and God’s lessons for the world that, yes, involves judging and judgment. Current events and the politics of current events involves “judging.”  Oh, we can’t do that. Retaining members and revenue streams is the highest priority.  Don’t allow God’s lessons to get in the way of these higher priorities.

Past failures of prophecy of false prophets: There is a lingering fear of false prophecies made in the past by those who were excessively detailed, presumptuous, or over-confident.  On the other hand, the Bible gives example of a prophecy made by a true prophet of God that did not materialize because God simply changed his mind due to the (short-lived) repentance of a group of people. (Exodus 32:14)

The myth of separation of Church and state: Too many church leaders believe – or use as their excuse – that they should keep religion away from discussing how we should beSee the source image governed, which, by the way, involves “the state”, and yes, “politics.” Nothing could be further from the truth.  And if they believe that the tax code keeps them from preaching what needs to be preached, they need to abrogate their exemption status.  How faithful are those who give to their church only because it improves their tax status?

Bible prophecy ties Bible teaching to current events. It especially informs us of how both our personal actions and nation’s policies today impact our future.

For those who are interested, here are a couple of links to sites that provide additional reasons to study Bible prophecy and current events:

Biblical Prophecy | Philadelphia Church of God (

Why Bible Prophecy Matters (

Why Local Churches Should Talk about Current Events - REFORMED MARGINS


As an aside, it is noted that the “Adventists” among Christian denominations are best known for their emphasis of Bible prophecy. While other denominations occasionally touch on prophecy, there are remnants among former Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, and Catholics who have been attracted to Adventist denominations due to their inclusion of the study of prophecy among their denominational priorities. Among Adventist churches are the numerous “Church of God” denominations, of which there are over a dozen. Among the major ones are the United Church of God, Philadelphia Church of God, and the Continuing Church of God. ‘The Trumpet’ magazine, which discusses current events in a Biblical context (an excellent news source, by the way),  is a publication of the Philadelphia Church of God and is often among magazines seen in office waiting rooms.

1 comment:

Spencer Corkum, Host and SiteMaster for the Sunset Strollers and the Quoteblokes. said...

Relent implies a yielding through pity or mercy by one who holds the upper hand....God is the one who holds the upper hand. God's mind was not changed, the execution of his decision was relented, put on hold. The conclusion was held back out of pity, but the decision of his mind is still in force. It cannot be changed, nor the basis of his mind be changed. but it can be held back. We are oriented to time in the seen world, but God is in the unseen spiritual world of eternity, that is, "time", just as we will be. Existence of this spiritual world was the theme of Jesus 'ministry. This is where the Paraclete or the Holy Spirit comes to bear. Appreciate your forbearance. Spence