Monday, August 16, 2021

US failures: Incompetence or Duplicity?

The  utter failure and embarrassing debacle of the US in Afghanistan is a result of either incompetence or duplicity among our leaders.

Incompetence:  How could so many, from our military flag officers (generals down to majors), our intelligence community (CIA, NSA, DIA, among others), our State Department, all the way up to our alleged “President” could have so dismally misunderstood the Afghan government, military, enemy and general population? What could they have possibly been basing their intelligence on?  How many things could they have misunderstood? The Afghan culture?  The Islamic doctrine? The deception of Afghan government officials? The tribal alliances? The willingness of Afghan soldiers to fight?  Allegiances to the Taliban and al Qaeda?

I agree, Joe.  This is not like Saigon.  It’s WORSE!

What could have driven US leaders and advisers to be so wrong for so long?

Duplicity:  There is a strong argument for US leadership duplicity.  To what extent has the US government and media been infiltrated by communists and Islamists.  I have no doubt Obama is one (both a communist and Islamic sympathizer.  Biden is an Obama puppet.  President Bush was a dupe of Islam, believing and telling us Islam is a “religion of peace.” No doubt the State Department is loaded up with like minded tools of communists and Muslims.  The intelligence communities were stripped of accurate training about Islam, Islamic culture, ideology and intentions under the Obama administration.

Many believe there is a strong component within our Federal Government that desires a weakening of the US and strengthening of Islamic and Communist governments.  What else would explain the obvious decisions that humiliate and weaken the United States both at home and abroad?

Our open borders allow COVID and drug cartels to spread to our cities, our ballooning national debt make us more dependent foreign debt holders, off-shoring critical manufacturing capacity strip us of self-sufficiency, and the latest humiliation in Afghanistan based on inexplicably bad foreign policy intelligence and decisions destroyed any credibility we had left.

Unfortunately, the worst case is most likely:  The US is suffering from both duplicity and incompetence among our leaders. 

Can anything else explain how dumb and harmful our decision appear to be?

Many consider these otherwise inexplicable decisions and events to be a consequence of our nation’s fall from grace as a result of our departure from Godly principles and faith – our gross moral lapses which have become legion. We have become a self absorbed, haughty, immoral nation.  We have become over-confident and arrogant to the point where our self-perception has blinded us to the realities we ignore at our peril.

Our self-created debacle in Afghanistan has made this painfully obvious.

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