Monday, October 26, 2020

The Key Biden/Trump Difference…

In the previous blog I listed a number of differences between Biden and Trump.  But one key difference stands out above all others.  It’s related to the “fear-driven” nature of Biden and his fans. It more importantly relates to the nature of government each candidate promotes.

The key difference is this:

  • Biden represents fear, helplessness, and dependence.
  • Trump represents prudence, confidence, and independence.

During the last debate Biden declared,

“We’re about to go into a dark winter, a dark winter, and he [President Donald Trump] has no clear plan, and there’s no prospect that there’s gonna be a vaccine available for the majority of the American people before the middle of next year…”

Coupled with Biden’s basement seclusion, avoiding the public out of his outsized concern of the virus, this statement reveals his mindset: Fear and his promotion of the federal government as his solution to staying safe from the boogeyman virus.12 Evidences of Faith - Part 1

What would Biden’s “clear plan” be?  Locking down everything?  How would it differ from what Trump already accomplished?  Instilling fear in the populace so they stay locked up at home?

Biden promotes reliance on the “top down” approach of big government as the “big nanny”, telling us exactly what we should and should not do.  His argument to the public is that Trump isn’t doing the “big government nanny” thing, and therefore Trump is being irresponsible.

Meanwhile, Trump promotes the idea that the role of the Federal Government is to stay out of people’s business as much as possible while providing the best voluntary guidance available, which it has done.  Trump doesn’t believe in the nanny state.  He believes most people are smart enough to know for themselves what they should do to remain safe.

Biden believes that we should “follow the science” as if science is an infallible god.  He fails to acknowledge that the advice of science is fallible.  It potentially changes with every new piece of data.  And results of science are too easily manipulated by political interests. “Top down” science, especially if applied in a mandatory fashion by the federal government, can lead the entire populous off a cliff if it is wrong, which it often is.

Biden exudes doubt and pessimism while Trump exudes confidence and optimism.

Biden, despite his rhetoric, would absolutely keep America closed down, keep people from work, kids out of schools, the economy in the doldrums.

It is a simple mind that focuses all one’s energy on one aspect of a threat.  Biden’s simple mind focuses on the virus and excludes all other factors relevant to health while Trump looks at the bigger picture: The physical, emotional, and economic health of individuals and the nation.

These differences manifest themselves in each candidates’ philosophy of governance:

Biden:  Big government, higher taxes, more regulation, more control over individuals, because, after all, individuals are incapable of determining what is best for themselves.

Trump: Smaller government, lower taxes, less regulation, less control over individuals, because, after all, individuals ARE capable of determining what is best for themselves.

Which philosophy of governance do YOU prefer?

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The true nature of fools voting for Biden…

People who prefer Biden over Trump do so for two primary reason:

1) They hate Trump, or

2) They prefer Biden’s policies.

In both cases, emotions drive their choice more then reason and common sense.

First, the Trump-haters.

This emotion-driven reaction is much like hating an effective medicine and preferring the life-threatening disease.  These folks don’t like Trump’s “tone.”  He’s too “arrogant.”  He exaggerates. He’s too rich. He didn’t close down the country long enough to stop COVID. He doesn’t wear a mask.  He doesn’t require everyone else to wear a mask.

Despite his “America first” policies and many related accomplishments, they just don’t like his personality. They would prefer someone who promotes globalism/one world government, who wants higher taxes, bigger government and more regulations, who remains in his basement in fear, who dismisses Islam as of no real concern, who wants open borders and spend your tax money for housing, education, health care, and social services on millions of people who entered our country illegally.

They prefer a corrupt candidate who used his son to enrich their families by providing favors and peddling influence on behalf of nations who do not share our nation’s interests.

Second, the Biden policy lovers.

Biden is clearly and unabashedly a globalist.  He prefers to sacrifice US sovereignty to international interests and governance such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and support international treaties that give billions to entities that work against our own national interests.

Biden clearly prefers trade policies (that Trump reversed) that favor China and other foreign economies over our own. He argues that he is for the American worker while he promotes and defends trade agreements that suck manufacturing jobs from our own workers.

Biden prefers open borders to further his globalist agenda. He is opposed to the wall and Immigration and Customs Enforcement actions. He favors using tax dollars to pay for education and health care for illegal immigrants, both present and future. All of these actions make US citizens poorer while making our nation weaker.

Biden prefers a top down, coercive government to mandate individual behavior and limit individual’s freedom to fight COVID-19. This promotes a one size fits all, despite the fact that many medical professionals relied upon for our government’s advice have been wrong and changed their positions on how to best confront the virus on numerous occasions.  Biden and Harris Make First Public Campaign AppearanceBiden prefers to have the government be the nation’s nanny, and treat the rest of us like clueless, irresponsible children.  He doesn’t care that each family knows what is best for themselves in balancing the threat of the the virus with their jobs, income, education of their children, overall well-being and their basic liberties.

Biden sides with those who censor free speech and who would like to squelch religious liberties. Big tech along with mainstream media are carrying Biden’s water in this censorship – squelching any opinions or even facts that don’t match their leftist agenda.

Biden has a difficult time condemning Antifa and communist elements of the Black Lives Matter movement. It appears that he favors these groups while he is on the side of those defending defunding the police – in spite of his denials. He is not a proponent of strong law enforcement or strong nation defense.

Biden selected the most liberal, pro-socialist candidate in Congress as his running mate. Harris is scored even to the left of proclaimed socialist/neo-communist Bernie Sanders.

Biden, overall, favors bigger government, higher taxes, income/wealth redistribution, more California-style regulations, and as a result, fewer individual liberties and less room for individual initiative and innovation that made our nation great. He panders to the “something for nothing” crowd, those who demonstrate for handouts while they destroy our cities.

Biden claims he’s Catholic (more likely apostate), while he opposes the primary social mandates of that denomination. More on this HERE, a video from a Catholic priest who speaks for all people of faith and who care about our nation, and the abyss it faces in this coming election.


Biden is the preferred candidate of emotion-driven fools who are ignorant of or indifferent toward the current and long term needs of our nation.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Guide to Loony Leftist Lingo…

Presented below is a short list of terms used in today’s political and social discourse.  Several are new.  Several are twisted. But, as my favorite meaningless phrase goes:  It is what it is.


Antifa: 1) A figment of the imagination of anyone to the right of Pelosi. 2) An idea which supernaturally destroys democrat-run  cities.

Atheist: 1) One who believes humans created God. 2) Anyone who hates the concept of ‘morality’ or any authority figure. 3) One who foolishly believes he can prove the non-existence of anything; see ‘Soros’, below.

Basement dweller vs. Super-spreader: Basement dweller = Biden supporter; Super-spreader = Trump supporter.

Biden-Harris: Act 2 of the saga of Obama’s trojan horse of socialism/communism.

Bigot: Anyone who disapproves of anything, especially if they disagree with a leftist.

Cancel culture: Slander and ridicule leftist individuals, corporations and media impose on anyone who disagrees with their woke words or actions. This often results in loss of jobs, reputation, or social media access of the “cancelled” individual.

Conspiracy theory: Any investigation into suspicious activity that the left or deep state feels threatened enough about to discredit it by calling it a “conspiracy theory.”

Deep state: Entrenched bureaucrats whose special interests focuses on their position, power, and income from sources well beyond their salaries.  These bureaucrats include especially the intelligence community:  CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.

Evangelicals for Biden: An apostate offshoot of Christianity that is as devout as apostate Muslims who disavow Muhammad and terrorism.

Gay: 1) Any person who isn’t happy with normal sex; most often defended by the woke (see below). 2) Any person happiest being a pervert.

Gay marriage: See “Marriage.”

Great reset: The plan by globalists to eliminate nationalism, national borders, and capitalism, and to promote wealth redistribution via some level of collectivism, socialism and communism.  A concept described by the New York Times as a “conspiracy theory.” See HERE.

Judge: 1) What leftists, apostates, and others ignorant of the Bible say we should never do. 2) A person democrats insist we should not appoint until a democrat becomes president.

Hater: Anyone who disapproves of anything, especially if they disagree with a snowflake.

Homophobe: Anyone who expresses a preference for sexual morality.

Islamophobe: Anyone who accurately explains the truth about Islam.

A ‘Karen’: A ditzy, makeup/hair/nails/shoes/purse-obsessed clueless, gossipy, emotion-driven woman, usually also a woke snowflake who abhors mansplaining.

Kraken: What the left describes as conspiracy theory lunacy when in fact it is the evidence of voter fraud uncovered by the work of the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion based out of U.S. Army Fort Huachuca, AZ.

Leftist:  Anyone who isn’t a Nazi or Trump supporter.

Macho: The behavior of any man who isn’t gay or a snowflake.

Mansplaining: The act of a man giving his opinion about anything to a woman.

Marriage: A spiritual or legal binding of two or more of anything.

Meme: A labeling of an idea one wishes to discredit.

Misogyny: The disrespect or hatred of women practiced by all men.

Misandry: The disrespect or hatred of men practiced by absolutely no women.

Nazi: Anyone to the right of Pelosi.

Person of color: Pejorative racist label de jure to distinguish non-whites from Caucasians who apparently have no color. Replaces Negro, Blackie, Colored, Colored Person, African-American, Hispanic, Asian, Middle-easterner, among others. This term is valid until persons of color become offended by it.

Politically correct:  What this list isn’t.

Presidential polls:  Survey results intended to influence and sway people more than reflect reality.

Racist: Any action of persons of no color toward a person of color. It is impossible for this term to be used in reverse.

Sexist: Any discourse or action of a male directed toward a female. It is impossible for this to occur the other way around. Syn: Misandry

Sexual preference: A phrase forbidden by the woke who claim sexual perversion is not a choice but abortion should be.  Amy Barrett’s usage of the term  forbidden by Senator Hiron (D-Hawaii). Biden’s usage not questioned.

Snowflake: Anyone easily offended by or fearful of anyone to their political right.  This term generally applies to leftists and most college students.

Soros: 1) The revolutionary’s favorite atheist moneyman. 2) Beelzebub (2 Kings 1:2–3, 6, 16; Matthew 12:25-28) known as “Lord of the flies” and “demon.”

Systemic racism: 1) Obama fans calling anyone who criticized his policies a “racist.” 2) The media calling police “racist” for arresting a black criminal. 3) A law enforcement officer attempting to detain a black person resisting arrest.

Toxic masculinity: The perception by snowflakes of the behavior of male homophobes (see homophobe definition above).

White privilege: 1) The benefits enjoyed by persons of no color condemned by the woke. 2) The mere existence of people of no color.

Without evidence: A phrase liberally used by most media when they either don’t agree with or simply ignore evidence of activity that does not fit their agenda. This is a recent phenomenon that reflects the lefts’ increasing paranoia about their complicity in the “Great Reset” being exposed. Prior to this media used the phrases “initial evidence” or “evidence produced thus far” instead of falsely claiming “without evidence.”

Woke:  1) Fake, pretentious caring by leftists based on Black slang “woke” for “awake”; 2) A person full of crap. Example of woke snowflake school administrator:

Sunday, October 04, 2020

George Soros: If you want to know more about his influence on Antifa, BLM and the left…

How real is the influence and threat from George Soros?

  • On the election
  • On Black Lives Matter
  • On Antifa
  • On our city’s prosecutors
  • On illegal immigration
  • On the “Green New Deal”

Here is the best summary of his character and influence on the mayhem we’ve been experiencing that I have seen.  The video linked below was prepared by D. James Kennedy Ministries whose mission is to defend our Christian values of governance and our society.

His sedition is real.