Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Dems screwed themselves…

 Two weeks ago I predicted that Biden would suspend his race by the end of the week.  I missed it by a week.

The even better news are these realities:

  • Biden’s delays in getting out of the race wasted precious days for the Dems.
  • Dem campaign funds can only go toward Harris with Biden out. They have to re-acquire funding in only three short months before early elections.
  • Harris, aka Cackles, polls worse than Biden in many polls. And many Dem leaders do not want her on the ballot.  
  • There is likely to be a contentious floor fight at the Dem convention in Chicago.
  • Chicago is sure to serve up massive demonstrations and potential riots and destruction by fringe leftist pro-Hamas Islamists – friends of many Dems.
  • The Mainstream Media were complicit in the Biden coverup and demonstrated that they have ZERO credibility.
  •  And here is the biggy:  The entire Whitehouse support staff, including the top level cabinet members, were aware of Biden’s decline more than a year ago, not to mention the last few months – and they continued to lie and deceive, defend and support the Biden presidency.  How can Kamela or ANY Whitehouse Biden defender escape the fact that they covered up for a demented President who was supposed to be running the country.

Given that last point, I would LOVE to be on the Trump staff that helps uncover, expose, and highlight that Democrat subterfuge.  It would be an easy job.  Every potential Dem candidate is complicit and vulnerable.   But they are likely to plead ignorance which then demonstrates how out if touch, and therefore unfit to be President, they are.

Final thoughts:  Is Biden fit to even serve out his current term – or is he a clear and present danger to our nation if he remains President? 

I look forward to watching this Dem cluster fiasco unfold in the coming weeks.

1 comment:

Brother Michael said...

Unfortunately, right now the biggest threat to our country is the total disorganization in the Executive branch. It leaves us wide open to any sneak subterfuge that even a fiefdom could pull off. We are so vulnerable--and who's in charge to manage an attack?

Coincidentally just a few minutes ago (approximately 6 PM EDT) there was an ominous air-raid style siren heard behind a spit screen interview on FOX News. Where did it emanate from?

I sure hope it was just a glitch.