Friday, August 19, 2022

How leftists and conservatives address nations problems

Think about how the left addresses each of the widely discussed and growing problems of this nation.  And then consider the approach of conservatives for each of these issues.  You will notice that the leftist/democrat approach aggravates and worsens the problem while the conservatives approach reduces the problem.

Here are a few examples:


Homeless encampments are mushrooming in many democrat run cities.  The left promotes government programs, policies and handouts to make life for the homeless easier (it’s all about emotional “feel good” policies for leftists).  These are typically comprised of:

  • Allowing the homeless use public spaces for their tents and other living arrangements
  • Providing food handouts
  • Providing drug needles
  • Not enforcing vagrancy and loitering laws
  • Promoting (advertising) the public policies and programs that attract more homeless and disincentivize employment and independence.

Conservatives tend to do the opposite, primarily:

  • Enforcing laws against vagrancy and loitering
  • Prohibiting use of public spaces and rights-of-way for homeless camps
  • Providing “back to work” incentives
  • Not facilitating and enabling drug use

Drug addicts

Drug addiction is a worthwhile behavior for the left.  It gives them more control power and influence.  This is why they:

  • Promote open borders to let in the cartels, drug lords and tons of opiates.
  • Distribute drug paraphernalia to addicts
  • Defund law enforcement
  • Have “no bail” provisions (let them out on the street) for various drug-related offenses
  •  Promote repealing of drug laws 

Again, conservatives promote the opposite:

  • Close the borders and closely vet and monitor those who do cross over legally
  • Increase capability to both stop the supply entering the nation and well as the distribution and use through strict enforcement.
  • Have stricter incarceration provisions for offenders.

Gun violence

The left prefers eliminating the 2nd amendment.  Short of that they promote making various types of guns illegal (they believe the gun has a mind of its own when it decides to shoot people), limiting magazine capacity, imposing exorbitant taxes on guns and ammo, requiring a centralized nationwide permit system, requiring onerous liability requirements for firearm manufacturers, creating a “social credit” system for the right to bear arms, and prohibit the carry of guns in dozens of public venues.  The left fails to acknowledge that the places with the strictest gun laws have the most gun violence.

Conservatives believe that if guns were more freely carried by the general population in more places, unlawful shootings would be discouraged. More importantly, if existing laws were more effectively enforced, prosecuted, with offenders incarcerated for appropriate durations – not as nicey nice rehab, but as punishment, gun violence would be reduced.  And finally, conservatives have much greater respect not only for the rule of law, but for the essential role of the family and religion in our culture.  The left opposes these things.

Illegal immigrants

The left believes in a global authority, disdains nationhood – especially that of the United States, and thus believes in open borders and free entry of people from any and all nations.  They do not believe that a national identity and culture is worth preserving.  They believe “diversity is our strength” as opposed to our “outdated” national motto of “out of many, one.”  Their quest for diversity denies the reality of “in unity there is strength.”  And they blame the other side for our nation’s divisiveness.

Conservatives want strong borders so that only those who respect our culture and laws and who would add to our nations success and prosperity would be allowed entry.  It used to be that way.  Conservatives respect the concept of “nation” and believe the US has a history and identity worth preserving, although many are beginning to have doubts.


The left prefers passing laws, enlarging the federal government, creating more programs and spending hundreds of billions falsely believing that those actions will reduce inflation.  They gut the fossil fuel industry through taxation, withholding permits, and halting pipeline construction.  All of that eliminates our energy independence and dramatically raises energy costs for agriculture, transportation, electricity, and manufacturing while becoming more dependent on enemy nations for that resource.

Conservatives would reduce the size of the federal government, reduce taxes, eliminate many cost-increasing federal regulations, and increase domestic fossil fuel production.


The lefts policies have eliminated the major sources of domestic energy production causing us to rely on undependable foreign sources. The left promotes the myth of “human-caused global warming”, especially the “evil” US-caused global warming.  This half-baked science causes the left to invoke half-baked policies of “green energy” which is several decades ahead of feasibility.  In the meantime – meantime being the next several decades – the US will be forced into an energy deficit and much much higher energy prices.  As Biden’s protégé, Barack Hussein Obama, famously said, “Under my Plan … Electricity Rates Would Necessarily Skyrocket”.  All the while the mining of “green energy” battery components and use of windmills are raping the landscape and killing wildlife.

Conservatives would assure the US once again becomes and remains energy independent.  We would continue the robust development of fossil fuels while incentivizing the development of A Bipolar Disorder Metaphor: Like an Angel and Devil on My Shoulder ...alternative energy sources, including nuclear.

Which side of these issues would you feel most comfortable on?

1 comment:

DAVIS DON E said...

In order for conservatives to address national problems they need to win elections. To have fair elections, the voting machines need to be gone! Paper ballots hand counted, numbered, verified by cameras. This weekend is " The Moment of Truth" summit. Just started on, Lindelltv, Frankspeech app. Is on today and Sunday. Please tune in. Tell your friends and enemies. Help save our country. The global elites can't win an honest election!