Monday, November 22, 2021

Rittenhouse absolutely should have been there…

Many folks, including some conservatives, but especially snowflakes and leftists, argue that Kyle Rittenhouse had no business being in Kenosha during the riots.  They believe it was “poor judgement” on his part – that he never should have been there. 

I have no doubt that the great majority of parents would have forbidden their 17-year old to go to a town where an ongoing riot was taking place.

Why do they believe that way?

First of all, our culture has become one that believes that teenagers are still irresponsible “children.”  Many, perhaps most, parents have not given their kids of that age responsibilities that nurture adulthood.  Many “kids” today remain basement dwellers in their parents homes through their twenties. To bolster this conclusion, read Diane West’s “Death of the Grownup.”

Kyle was an exception.

Second, Kyle’s family lived in Kenosha.  He had relatives who had businesses there.  Those businesses were threatened by the rioters.  Those family members invited Kyle to Kenosha to help them defend their business in a town whose failed leaders ordered both the cops and the National Guard to “stand down” and let the rioters do their thing.

And finally, we have have become a nation of “anything goes.”  Our highest value has become “don’t offend anyone.”  Don’t judge anyone’s behavior.  That has morphed into “let the rioters do their thing.”  That leads the majority of us to believe we shouldn’t get involved or be involved in defending anything.  That would require judging others.  The left believe the rioters shouldn’t be judged. Why?  Because what they do is merely protesting “injustices” brought about by our founding fathers, the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, Catholics and Jews.  Anyone who opposes a good riot must be a racist.

Kyle was an exception. 

I was saddened by his remarks in a recent post-trial interview that he even supports Black Lives Matter (the Communist front organization.)  Not sure if his attorneys told him to say that as cover or he really believes it.  But he said it. But he is not a racist.

No, Kyle is merely an “adult” teenager who believed in doing the right thing when called upon to help.  He had the fortitude to go, and the skill set to defend himself. He did what the great majority of Americans would have done 50-100 years ago.  But sadly, most now believe that we all should mind our own business and refrain from defending our communities from vandals, rioters, and looters.  Even many city officials now believe this.

Kyle is an exception, a hero, and a role model for what many more of us should become – especially city officials.

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