Friday, April 30, 2021

Is “follow the science” our new dictatorship? How ‘Technocracy’ is our new mandatory religion

Dr. Fauci is the nation’s new god, at least in the mind of the mainstream media and federal government. If you don’t follow the science as espoused by Saint Fauci, you are a traitor, an insurrectionist and worse than an infidel.

How did that happen?  Gradually.

Forget about Congress, elections, or the rule of law. The bureaucracy that relies on technocrats,  scientists and engineers has replaced all of that.  The data gathered by our phones and internet feed the technocrat’s algorithms to mold and shape our behaviors.  Many of us believe that same technocrat-driven ideology designed and implemented the algorithms had corrupted the 2020 presidential election. The technocrats deny ‘fraud’.  They likely believe it was simply the Technocracy doing what needed to be done.

The term ‘Technocracy’ encompasses this new science-driven dictatorship.

The ‘cancel culture’ is an offshoot of this dictatorship. It is a tool to implement this scientific dictatorship of Technocracy.  Cancel culture uses the same internet used to populate the technocrat’s algorithms to censor free speech on the internet. Anything we post in social media or in the most popular blogs that disagrees with or debunks the “science” will be cancelled.

Technocracy is not a brand new term.  It has been around for decades. The internet has enabled its newfound power and influence.

Here are a couple of definitions:

Merriam-Webster: “A system in which people with a lot of knowledge about science or technology control a society.”

Britannica: “A political philosophy [relying on] government by technicians who are guided solely by the imperatives of their technology.”

The website defines Technocracy as:

“…a replacement economic system for Capitalism and Free Enterprise, and is represented by the United Nations’ program for Sustainable Development and “Green Economy.” It proposes that all means of production and consumption would be controlled by an elite group of scientists and engineers (technocrats) for the good of mankind. Technocracy was originally architected in the 1930s but regained favor when adopted by the Trilateral Commission in 1973, under their “New International Economic Order” program.”

What’s wrong with Technocracy?”  Here are just a few things:

  • Science is a fallible discipline; the ‘absolutes’ of science may change every several years, months, or days. In the meantime civil liberties may be abridged or destroyed by “following the science”.
  • Scientists, engineers, and technocrats are fallible human beings that often have agendas and motives incompatible with human welfare, success, prosperity, or happiness. They have no concern for the individual – only for the collective.
  • Technocracy as a political philosophy supplants other forms of government such as Constitutional Republics and Democracies with a technocratic dictatorship.
  • It has demonstrated that it is capable of replacing a fair vote with a manipulated vote to favor the candidates who support Technocracy.
  • Technocracy is in opposition to free will, free choice, and free speech of individuals.
  • Technocracy is in opposition to Christianity and every other form of faith and religion.
  • A fair equivalence of the concept of “Technocracy” in today’s popular jargon is “Deep State.”

Technocracy is indeed our new religion with our Federal Government being the new church. Those of us who disagree with its doctrines will be cancelled and punished in ways we have not yet imagined.

1 comment:

Brother Michael said...

This is a real eye-opener and fills in a plethora of blanks that have not yet been put together. We have acquaintances that live their lives by "the science" and don't want to be bothered with "unsubstantiated" reason. We do need to come to our senses!