Friday, March 19, 2021

COVID affirmative action for the “socially disadvantaged”

The Democrat-c0ntrolled Congress exercised their socialist, racist chops in their party-line passage of the 2021 COVID relief bill.

As reported by the New York Post, “Biden’s COVID relief bill is chock full of anti-white reverse racism.”

“The bill looks more like reparations than COVID relief. It says farm aid is “for the purposes of addressing the longstanding and widespread discrimination against socially disadvantaged farmers.” Truth is, farmers have been struggling for a decade, and more than half lose money year after year. Minority-owned farms are generally less indebted than those owned by whites, though diminished access to credit may be part of the reason. White and minority farmers alike need debt relief.”

Worse yet, aside from race discrimination, the bill discriminates against anyone who is NOT deemed to be “socially disadvantaged.”  Farmers who don’t meet the definition of “socially disadvantaged” get NO assistance.

And who does “socially disadvantaged” include, you might ask?  Here is the government definition from Cornell Law:

“Socially disadvantaged individuals are those who have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias within American society because of their identities as members of groups and without regard to their individual qualities. The social disadvantage must stem from circumstances beyond their control.” [italics added for emphasis]

Democrats/socialists in Congress and the media will take that definition to include the following :

  • Racial ethnic bias: Any ethnic minority, including Hispanics Black, Asian, and Middle Easterner, no matter how well off economically they may be
  • Cultural bias: Any alcoholic, drug addict, pedophile, sex addict, Chinese sex worker, psychopath, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer, pervert, or criminal trespasser (aka “illegal alien), because these addictions and behaviors are believed to be caused by “circumstances beyond their control.” Ask members of the American Psychiatric Association (ASA) if this is true and note the answer you get.

The left believe that most anti-social human behaviors stem from circumstances beyond their control.

In other words, our present culture, through legislative fiat, requires that every perverse belief and behavior must not be merely accepted and tolerated, but must now be REWARDED with discriminatory government handouts from every taxpayer.

Socialists and others who want to destroy the moral and ethical bedrock of this nation are having a field day under the Biden administration in showing favoritism toward the irresponsible and perverse, and penalizing the rest of us who believe in responsible, moral and controlled behavior.

Democrats and Socialists believe that responsible, moral behavior is beyond the control of the individual.  They prefer to reward irresponsibility and penalize the rest of us.

Here are several sources concerning this COVID Relief legislation:

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