Sunday, July 05, 2020

This is how the 2nd American civil war starts…

Many people are predicting a “Second American Civil War.”  I was skeptical.  I know the left can be, has been, and will be violent.  They are known to not just demonstrate and protest, but to riot, burn, loot, attack, injure, kill, and blow things up.

But I also know that every day Americans will not engage.  We are, by nature, not that type. Especially conservatives, Trump supporter types and even RINOs to some extent are averse to leftist tactics.

But not so fast…

This recent clash, along with what has occurred in the last couple of months across the nation, has begun to convince me otherwise:

Black Armed Protesters Challenge White Militia At Confederate Monument

Of course, this defense of a revered national monument is characterized as carried out by “radical white racist extremists.”  Anyone the left does not agree with is called “hater, extremist, racist, bigot, and every type of ‘-phobe.”

While most on the left do not hesitate to engage in violent activity to achieve their varied and ill-conceived objectives, most others detest and avoid violence.  But at what point will “most others” cease to remain passive?  What will be the triggers, the flash points?

We are beginning to see, and rightfully so, several of these flashpoints. Those motivated to defend are stepping up.  And it is about time.

These flash points will be localized to places where leftists, including their supportive leftist local and state governments, commit or defend acts of violence that give  some of us no choice but to defend our homes and our revered institutions and symbols.  The Seattle couple defending their home against a mob who broke down the gate and invaded their subdivision is one example.  Of course, the media portrayed the couple as gun-brandishing fools.

It is interesting and instructive to note that the most insurrectionist activity is occurring in the most far left places in America:  Seattle, Los Angels, Minneapolis, New York City, Washington D. C.  These places are where there are two things that favor these seditious activities:  Sympathetic politicians, and a neutered law enforcement systems. The Democrat National convention is subject to more violent demonstrations than Republican conventions. Leftist leaders breed leftist demonstrators and leftist inspired violence.  You don’t see these violent protests in more conservative communities because the leftists don’t have the “critical mass” necessary to enable their protests or promote their message.

Within the most peace loving, passive groups of people, there will be some, motivated by righteous indignation, who will say “enough”, and defend what they truly believe in. 

The aggressors, including most national media, will blame the defenders for inciting violence.  That is exactly what the left is doing to President Trump.

The President gave a patriotic speech on a patriotic holiday, and condemns violence against our flag, our national monuments and upon the memory of our founding leaders, and the media, on script and on cue, condemned the speech as being “divisive.” Un-freakin’ believable.

Unless the leftist violence subsides, which I doubt it will, there will be more of “the rest of us” who will eventually (no prediction here – we are known for being preoccupied and passive in our defense of what we say we believe in) engage the anti-American seditionist in whatever ways we can.

There are, thankfully, those within our conservative ranks who do want to defend what we say we believe in.  These localized skirmishes are likely to expand regionally and in intensity and involve more “good guys” and defenders of our national heritage and freedoms.   The currently rare “fringe right” militia will hopefully be increasingly recognized and respected as the ones among us who care enough to engage the violence against us, aka “the leftist enemy.”

These skirmishes are the beginning of the second American civil war.

If we fail to engage, we will be inviting a socialist, third world s—t-hole and loss of our freedoms, heritage, and relative prosperity.  If we engage, we have a chance of preserving what we say we believe in.  The remaining question I have:  How hypocritical will we choose to be?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1861, Again?

For your consideration,

A group of people called Black Africans were enslaved and imported into America by a group of people called White American Democrats.

Then, a group of people called White American Republicans, fought against the White American Democrats and freed the enslaved Black Africans.

Over the course of time, the White American Democrats successfully regained control over and reenslaved the now Black Americans.

The White American Republicans are again compelled to fight and defeat the White Democrats thus once again freeing the enslaved Black Americans.

To premanatlly defeat the White American Democrats and forever prevent them from once again regaining control and reenslaving the Black Americans, the White American Republicans must teach the Black Americans the White Republicans secrets and principles of self defense, self preservation, dignity and self reliance.

2020, July 4th