Monday, November 29, 2010

Thoughts on Wiki Leaks

Here are several random thoughts about the Wiki Leaks debacle:

This was evolving months ago, yet our administration has done nothing to stop it.  See Palin comments here.

All involved in making these documents public should be aggressively prosecuted for treason or aiding and abetting treason by others.  Rep. Peter King, Krauthammer, and John Bolton agree. 

Whoever in our government leaked that information is guilty of treason, and I think anything less than execution is too kind a penalty.

MIKE HUCKABEE, former Arkansas governor, referring to the person responsible for leaking hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks

Apparently Senator Lieberman doesn’t believe Wiki Leaks, the organization, rises to the level of “terrorist organization” as King does, despite it’s leader’s seditious methods and his attraction of leftists who would love to bring their country down a peg or five.

Appropriate agencies need to investigate the military’s malfeasance in protecting secret documents, new safeguards put into place and individuals associated with the security lapse demoted, fired, or prosecuted. 

I wondered why our nation over the past decade or so has been so passive in keeping national secrets.  It seemed every other week the New York Times or Washington Post exposed classified information from an undisclosed source.  What gave with that?  I wondered what the consequences of this indifference might be.  Now we know.  This Wiki event is just the natural evolution of that long-standing passive disregard for the importance of national secrets and national security.

Some believe this release of such massive amounts of US secrets could not be pulled off by just by an Army private and a hacker by themselves.  They believe that enabling, if not orchestrating this sabotage goes all the way up to the White House.  Motive?  To give us a “teachable moment” to demonstrate why the internet should be controlled by the government.  This is worth reading. 

Julian Assange and confused, troubled and likely-to-spend-a-long-time-in-prison-if-not-shot Bradley Manning, remind me of the traitorous whistle-blowing by Christopher H. Pyle in the late ‘60’s during the Vietnam War.  Unhappy about the military’s essential involvement in defending dozens of cities and college campuses from rioting leftists and disgruntled blacks, he, too, was proud of revealing military secrets, believing he was the be all and end all of human civility and righteousness.  Such people suffer from a god complex and a bizarre need for self-worth however they earn it.  It matters not to them if national security is compromised, international relations damaged, allies are humiliated, or people are killed as a result.

Some, both on the left and right, are happy with the Wiki Leak’s outings.  It is in vogue and satisfying to see our nation embarrassed; our opinions or gut feelings affirmed by the revelatory leaks.  But on the whole, our nation’s vulnerabilities and secrets were and continue to be exposed to the detriment of all US citizens – except those who thrive on sadistic rubbernecking and destructive behavior.

And finally, don’t take as gospel all the message in the leaks.  Case in point: One news story reports that the leaks reveal that “China knows less about NKorea than thought.”  That assumes that the story line told by China concerning North Korea as revealed in the leaks is true.   Come on now, China has supported, aided, and defended North Korea every step of the way.  That “revelation” is too contrary to the facts to be true.

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