Saturday, September 21, 2024

Overview of the World’s Bastards

 I often write to identify and synthesize the things that are bothering me about what is going on in the world.  Since it is impossible for me to do much about these situations, at least writing about them helps me understand the world’s predicament.

I’ll start with Islam.

Islam:  A 6th century political ideology self identified as a “religion” – the wild asses of the Old Testament.  Islam dominates the Middle East with its doctrines of conquest, militarism, intolerance of any other belief, political, or cultural system, especially Judaism.  It is best known for Jihad, violence, and deception.  Atrocities that are committed in the Middle East are almost always attributed to generic entities such as “men” committed this, or “Iran” committed that, or Hamas, ISIS, Al Qaeda or Hezbollah did this or that.  Such identification seldom mentions “Muslims” or people practicing their Islamic faith -  despite the fact that Islam motivates each if these entities and is behind most of these atrocities.

United Nations (UN):  The UN was created to assure peace and avoid war.  It has become a corrupt institution - a money sucking, inefficient, ineffective bureaucracy controlled primarily by Islamic nations.  In the Middle East it has proven itself to be in bed with those who continue to carry out atrocities against Israel and more moderate Islamic entities because they are not Islamic enough.

Leftists: I define “leftists” as those who favor larger government, more government control through more regulation, higher taxes, less personal responsibility, and less free speech.  Socialism and Communism are forms of leftism.  Humans have a propensity for wanting others to do for them what they can and should do for themselves.  Leftists play into this tendency to gain power.  Leftism is an evil that destroys the human will and productivity.

Mainstream media:  I define the mainstream media as the large corporate communications entities, including ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, large urban newspapers and large social media outlets such as Facebook Google and MSN, and news outlets such as AP and Reuters. The mainstream media promotes leftism and controversy for profit. It is dominated by journalism students of the revolting ‘60’s hippie generation who never appreciated the history and successes of this nation.

Corporate America:  Most large corporations, such at Amazon, other large retailers, and others genuflect to perverse and perverted cultural trends.  They are amoral organizations that will pander to any evil that they believe will add to their bottom line.  Fortunately several of these attempts have backfired – Bud Lite, Harley Davidson, and John Deere come to mind.

Democrats:  Joe Biden (basically useless at this point, but still a tool), Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, and the great majority of the Democrat establishment pander to the “gimme more” segment of our population, which is large and growing.  I consider them to be pure evil based upon their destructive open borders, their disregard of law and order, their refusal to promote or even allow the production of domestic energy, their disregard for the first and second amendments, their endless, excessive government spending, their politicized criminal justice system, and their inconsistent, untrustworthy foreign policies.

Lazy, uninformed voters:  This one bothers me the most.  How nearly half of the electorate still want to vote for the word salad queen who trades in emotion and lacks substance is beyond me.  That desire is based on rampant ignorance of what is going on in the world and in our nation.  They are willing to be lazy sheep lured into dependence on government.  They are happy as clams as long as they are being fed bullshit.

Those who believe they have the power of God:  “Follow the Science!”  This has been the mantra of the COVID gods.  “Government knows best” is close behind.  “Trust our leaders” is next.  The Centers for Disease Control, the FBI, CIA and Secret Service have lost the faith of a lot of people over the last decade or so.  These are all federal government entities that people have trusted to do their thinking for them.  These agencies long for influence and control.  That is why they exist.  To a large extent they wish to replace not only human freedoms, but also replace faith in the power of God.

So that’s it on my end.  Bastards all.  I probably have a few more bothersome things lurking in the recesses of my mind and I’m quite sure you can think of more.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Big Kamala Golf Cart Parade in The Villages, FL

 This report is from the “Old Female Republicans Can be Both Ignorant and Sexist” Department.

A friend in The Villages reported to us this afternoon that there was a gigantic pro-Kamala golf cart parade comprised exclusively of women.  She expressed concern that this female parade of support for a leftist female candidate indicates, in her view at least, that the democrat ticket has a better than even chance of prevailing.  While I don’t share her same level of concern, the event does raise eyebrows.

Given that the demographics of The Villages is almost entirely over the age of 60 (which tends to be conservative) and over 80% Republican, observing such female stupidity could indeed portend an insanely sexist outcome to the Presidential election.

I knew a conservative black man in the runup to the first Obama election who said he will vote for liberal Obama just because he wanted to see a black in office.  It is likely that the same pea-brained thinking may apply to the female vote for Cackles. 

Identity politics is like watching a slow motion train wreck.  We observe the racist or sexist momentum of the movement, but we know there is little we can do to prevent the inevitable disaster.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Dems screwed themselves…

 Two weeks ago I predicted that Biden would suspend his race by the end of the week.  I missed it by a week.

The even better news are these realities:

  • Biden’s delays in getting out of the race wasted precious days for the Dems.
  • Dem campaign funds can only go toward Harris with Biden out. They have to re-acquire funding in only three short months before early elections.
  • Harris, aka Cackles, polls worse than Biden in many polls. And many Dem leaders do not want her on the ballot.  
  • There is likely to be a contentious floor fight at the Dem convention in Chicago.
  • Chicago is sure to serve up massive demonstrations and potential riots and destruction by fringe leftist pro-Hamas Islamists – friends of many Dems.
  • The Mainstream Media were complicit in the Biden coverup and demonstrated that they have ZERO credibility.
  •  And here is the biggy:  The entire Whitehouse support staff, including the top level cabinet members, were aware of Biden’s decline more than a year ago, not to mention the last few months – and they continued to lie and deceive, defend and support the Biden presidency.  How can Kamela or ANY Whitehouse Biden defender escape the fact that they covered up for a demented President who was supposed to be running the country.

Given that last point, I would LOVE to be on the Trump staff that helps uncover, expose, and highlight that Democrat subterfuge.  It would be an easy job.  Every potential Dem candidate is complicit and vulnerable.   But they are likely to plead ignorance which then demonstrates how out if touch, and therefore unfit to be President, they are.

Final thoughts:  Is Biden fit to even serve out his current term – or is he a clear and present danger to our nation if he remains President? 

I look forward to watching this Dem cluster fiasco unfold in the coming weeks.

Friday, July 19, 2024

One of the most inspirational speeches of our lifetimes…

Here is the link to Trumps entire speech given at the conclusion of the 2024 Republican National Convention:

From my perspective, Trump gave a heartfelt, sincere, inspirational, thankful, and hopeful talk that was the absolute opposite of the lies, hostility, and failed policies of the anti-American Biden administration.

Yet the CBS commentary after the tremendous and inspirational speech was shamelessly dismissive, snarky and mean spirited. CBS commentary reflects everything evil about the left in this nation. The MSM are a bane to America. Shameful!  They just can’t help themselves, just like most left leaning idiots in media and those propping up the Deep State.

Check out CBS’s dismissive rant just after the 1:38 mark in the link below:

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Failure to prevent assassination attempt: Planned or Incompetence?

 There are too many screaming coincidences in the attempted Trump assassination to believe it was planned and carried out solely by a screwed up 20-year old.

First is the the vitriol demonstrated by the Democrats and know-nothings in this country.  Remember the severed Trump head held up by the hair by brainless Trump-hating Kathy Griffin, representing most of Hollywood?

Throughout the past several years the aptly named mental illness of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) has been applied to half the population that goes insane in their Trump hatred for reasons they can’t express, other than the snowflakes believe he is “insensitive” or “mean spirited.”

Then we had the never-ending failed series of concocted impeachment attempts and endless litigation that is more correctly known as “lawfare.”  These are also falling apart.

Most recently the media and Democrat campaign has been painting Trump a “threat to democracy” or a “dangerous Hitleresque Nazi.” Last week (July 8th) Biden proclaimed: ‘We’re Done Talking About the Debate, it’s Time to Put Trump in a Bullseye’.

Trump-hating Jonathan Karl of far left ABC News (typical of most mainstream media talking heads) had the audacity to accuse Republicans of politicizing the attempted assassination while  he totally ignored all the irrational Democrat hate expressed before, and especially Biden urging his supporters "to put Trump in a bullseye."  Jonathan Karl: Go to hell!

Amidst that backdrop we have the dramatic lapses of  the Biden-run Secret Service that enabled the assassination attempt.

Why was the security zone only extended to the fence line?  Why didn’t it include the buildings within 130 yards with a direct line of sight to the podium? Even an unpracticed shooter with an AR can shoot within a few inches of a target at that range.

Several bystanders informed police and Secret Service minutes before the shooting that there was a man climbing on top of the building with a rifle.  Those advanced warnings were ignored. Why?

Why did it take 45 seconds for the Secret Service sharpshooters to take down the shooter after shots were fired?

Other reports, which the Biden administration is denying, are that repeated requests for additional Secret Service protection have repeatedly been denied. 

Like the Kennedy assassination:  Let them shoot.  Then kill the assassin to cover up for whoever instigated the event.

Was the Secret Service security lapse due to incompetence or was it a purposeful lapse planned from on high?

The Biden administration and main stream media are complicit on so many levels.

Final thoughts:

What would have been the outcome in this nation if the assassination was successful?  What level of civil unrest would have resulted?  What sort of Constitutional crisis would have been created?

Many who keep track of these events believe these attempts to eliminate Trump are not over.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

We don’t know who is running this country!


Who?  Some say Soros.  Some say Obama.  Some say a corporate cabal.  We don’t really know who is running this country.  We know it isn’t Biden.  He’s just the propped up, empty shell. That was confirmed beyond all doubt on June 27, 2024.

We know the deep state is rife with pro-Palestinians and other Islamists.  We know it’s heavily endowed with Communists.  McCarthy was right in the ‘50’s.  He’d be even more right today.

Who the electorate supposedly “elected”, Biden, is a mere decoy - a puppet.  The Biden voters were duped.

The Biden voter, aka, [mostly] Trump Haters, have been foisting their own fraud on the rest of the nation.  They are defending the lying cabal that is accusing Trump of lying.  Today’s New York Times editorial that calls for Biden to exit the race, is just one example of the many continuing lies and liars against Trump. 

So, who is leading our nation?  Who is pulling the strings?

We are in one precarious pernicious position.

Monday, June 03, 2024

Is a trial by a "jury of our peers" really guaranteed? Or was the concept "bastardized" by the legal profession?

 I was curious.  President Trump was said to have a jury of his "peers." Many believe that guarantee is in the US Constitution. › constnot-html

Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution - The U.S. Constitution ...

Jury of Peers. People often say "I have a right to have my case heard by a jury of my peers!" when there is no such right in the Constitution. The Constitution does take up the issue of juries, however. It is the nature of the jury which is not in the Constitution. In Article 3, Section 2,

Nope.  It is there only by inference, primarily in the Sixth Amendment.

Sixth Amendment:
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Do you see the word "peer" mentioned?  And worse yet, the "legal" definition is a LOT broader (i.e. "bastardized") compared to the common definition:

Legal definition:  

Definition of "jury of one's peers"

The constitutional right that ensures criminal defendants are tried by an impartial group from the same geographical jurisdiction, consisting of a broad representation of the population, irrespective of their race, national origin, and gender.

Common definition:

peer /pîr/

  1. A person who has equal standing with another or others, as in rank, class, or age.

    "children who are easily influenced by their peers."  American Heritage Dictionary


one that is of equal standing with another : EQUAL

The band mates welcomed the new member as a peer.

especially : one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status

teenagers spending time with their peers    Webster's Dictionary

So there you have it. The mythical protection of a "jury of your peers."  Good luck surviving a jury trial if you are an elderly conservative Christian Caucasian in a county comprised of young atheist or Muslim indigent illegal immigrant liberals.

Not ONE of Trump's jurors were in any manner an equal with regard to rank, class, age, or socio-economic status, intelligence or any other measure. Trump didn't have a chance in hell of a fair trial by his "jury of his peers."  There was not one real peer there.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

One Small Step for Leftists - One Giant Leap Toward Civil War

The Democrats, other leftists and Trump haters scored a victory with the conviction of Trump based on bad evidence, lying witnesses, a jaded legal system, and unethical instructions to the jury by a Judge who publicly vowed to "get Trump."

Yes, this will be appealed.  But it is almost certain that any appeal will not be heard until AFTER the election.  And the appeals will STILL occur in the legally corrupt state of New York.

So, what happens in the meantime, before the election?

What can we expect from Trump supporters?  What can we expect from those who were on the fence and independents?  What can we expect from people who are painfully aware many of our current leaders appear to be purposely destroying our nation?

What is so troubling to me is the legal system that convicted Trump on May 30, 2024, is not limited to New York City.  Many Pollyanna's will excuse this travesty by claiming it is just a New York thing - New York - the Trump hating bastion of the nation. Unfortunately, this is NOT just a New York thing.

This corruption of the legal system is a nationwide thing - occurring in every big city across the continent.  Flash shop lifting mobs are let out before sunset.  Multiple DUI drivers driving with revoked licenses are released.  A woman who stole a police car and ran over a police officer was found "not guilty."

This disregard for civility and disregard for justice by our legal system has become commonplace.  Criminals caught in the act of violent crimes are released the next day.  Tens of thousands of illegal aliens who are not vetted, with the majority being military aged men, are relocated to small and medium sized towns across the nation in the middle of the night by our Federal Government. They are ordered to report in -  maybe ten years. Who are they?  How many are ISIS and other similarly motivated Islamic sympathizers, MS-13, and other criminals. Most likely, the majority.

The lack of justice promoted by Soros-funded legal systems across the nation is bad enough.   Trump's conviction is a stark reminder that evil has become "good", and good has become "evil."

How much more turmoil with today's legal travesty create across the nation?  While the Pollyannas suggest that a fair and just legal system will prevail, I disagree.  We have instead taken a giant leap toward civil war.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Pro-Hamas university staff and policies: Check source of funding

 Do you wonder why US universities are as pro-Islam/Palestine/Hamas and as anti-Semitic as they are? 

Follow the money.

Do you wonder why Columbia University hired Minouche Shafik an Egyptian, Muslim sympathizer, as its president?

Follow the money.

With over $8 billion coming from Islamic nations to fund US universities, what else would you expect?  It’s likely MUCH more:

Top American Ivy League universities including Cornell and Harvard have received over $8 billion in the last 35 years from Arab countries, a report has revealed.   Daily Mail

And when you see press reports mentioning “Arab” this or “Arab” that, you should interpret that as Islamic/Muslim.

Islamic doctrine promotes jihad of all sorts, also known as “unrestricted warfare.”  What is unrestricted warfare?  As used by China, it is warfare using any and all means from economic, social, legal, trade, politics, elections, protests (both violent and non-violent), media, and internet to accomplish military and political objectives.  That is precisely what Islamic jihad has done since the sixth century.

And that is what Islamic-funded and influenced university leadership, staff and many of its duped students are doing with their unseemly tolerance of student demonstrations and violence.

Many of us cite additional sources of this insanity, such as George Soros or leftist politicians and college leadership.  True to an extent.  But without a doubt most influence, even of the politicians and media, comes from a combinations of China’s “unrestricted warfare” and Middle East/Islamic jihad in the form of more billions than we will ever know.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Universities and the attack on religion

The primary purpose of university presidents is to raise funds for the university.  The university boards select the person that can best relate to the hot buttons of the potential donor base.

In the case of Ivy League institutions (not to be confused with “mental institutions”, although I understand the confusion), the most lucrative potential donor base is comprised of leftist, mostly atheist, woke, white rich people who feel guilt about slavery. 

Who better to fit that role than a black, female leftist whose academic specialty is the advance of globalism and increasing diversity, except for Jews.  Enter Claudine Gay of Hahvid.

Over the past several years there have been numerous instances of conservative speakers being banned from university campuses.  The reasons given focused around other students feeling “threatened” or concerns about violence from leftists who objected to free speech, although the excuses were never quite that transparent.  Free speech was taboo for conservatives on campus.

But when it comes to promoting the extermination of Jews (or probably any religious group except Islam) free speech is protected and condoned.

Going to the nub of the matter, universities have a strong bias against religion.  They believe they take the high moral road by defining the group they believe are “oppressed” (blacks, Muslims, Palestinians) and tailoring their warped sense of morality and fairness to defend and promote those groups, no matter what crimes or atrocities they commit.  US urban riots, George Floyd and October 7th come to mind.

The consequence of this warped mindset is that the rule of law and traditional morality go out the window.  Rioting, acts of terror, and atrocities become justifiable because they are committed by the “oppressed.”

Most religions have a set of immutable moral standards.  These absolutes get in the way of the leftist mindset.  The leftist college president, university donors and professors, and most students don’t tolerate any constraint on addressing their version of the “oppressed.”  Religious people are in their way because morality is in their way.  So they create their own morality:  Extremism in defense of liberation is no vice, to mangle the words that Goldwater was condemned for.

Even plagiarism by a university president has been declared A OK by the university that alleges such high standards. That is just another instance of a corrupt system not wanting to be shackled by old fashioned rules so they can promote their own agenda of “liberation.”

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

“Proportionality” in the Israel/Hamas war…

 When a military/terrorist force whose Islamic ideology for decades has vowed the elimination of your nation and your race, and then slaughters 1,400 or your civilian women, children, and men, what does “proportionality” mean?

Here are several possible meanings of that term, with only one that fits the situation.

Definition #1:

Respond by killing only the number of people who were killed.  This definition is the limitation that Palestinians and US leftists would like to impose on Israel.  Anything beyond that is called “ethnic cleansing.”  That is rather strange since that is exactly what the initial attacks against Israel intended to carry out.

Definition #2:

Respond by eliminating ONLY the Hamas leadership or planners who carried out the attack.  This is similar in effect to the first definition.  It stops way short of addressing the perpetual threat to Israel.

Definition #3:

Give Hamas a stern warning that if they dare attack Israel again, they will be sorry.  This is the “proportionality” preferred by Hamas, the Palestinians, and the Islamic nations as a whole.  It is also the proportionality practiced by the Biden administration when US interests are attacked by Iranian, Syrian, or Yemen missiles.

Definition #4:

Base “proportionality” on intent as well as current and historical actions. 

For example, if an individual announced his hatred of you and expressed his intent to kill you, and over several years actually attempted to do so on numerous occasions, and no legal entity was available to stop his repeated attempts, what would be an appropriate action on your part?  Warn him?  Cut off his right thumb?  Or more?

This is the situation Israel finds itself in.  Hamas, and the Islamic doctrine and Ummah [Islamic community] generally,  have for decades declared their hatred of Israel and vow to wipe Israel and Jews off the face of the earth.  And on numerous occasions since Israel’s founding in 1948 has attempted to do so through several wars that Israel won.

And over the last several years there have been thousands of rocket attacks coming off of Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon against Israel.  The October 7th attack is when Israel's restraint was finally broken.

Given that backdrop, here is the required definition of “proportionality”:

The elimination of all who planned, financed, equipped, carried out, and supported or continue to support the attacks against Israel , along with their sustaining infrastructure.

THAT is the only rational definition of “proportionality” that Israel should apply and appears to be applying to the current situation. This proportionality is based on a combination of both intent and repeated and ongoing actions of the adversary.

The apologists for Islam, Hamas, Gazans and Palestinians are wailing, gnashing their teeth and ripping their shirts over such Israeli audacity.  This includes most of the media, leftist politicians along with ignorant college students who are doing the same via protests and incendiary propaganda.

The October 31 Israel bombing of the location of known terror leaders north of Gaza City is a case in point.  It just so happened to have also been a refugee center occupied by several thousand Gazans who ignored Israel’s warning to move south out of the northern Gaza war zone. Those who remain were appropriately assumed to be either Hamas fighters or willing human shields. Twenty some were killed and a hundred or more injured.

Again we hear wailing, gnashing of teeth and ripping of shirts with cries of “ethnic cleansing” and “war crimes.”

War is hell.  Justified proportionality is a bitch. Israel is attempting to finish what Hamas started and intended for Israel.


As an aside, the Houthis, who control Yemen, have today declared war on Israel.  Their motto:

Allahu akbar, death to the United States, death to Israel, curse the Jews, victory for Islam"

Hamas believes exactly the same.

Who are the "citizens" of Gaza?  They are described HERE.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The "Citizens of Gaza"

 President Biden proclaims that Israel has every right to go after Hamas, but Israel must protect and provide aid to the citizens of Gaza.

Why is this such insanely bad advice? Let’s explore who the “citizens of Gaza” really are, what they believe and what they want.

Their religion

Sunni Muslim is the religion of 98 to 99% of the population based on a 2012 estimate reported by Wikiwand:

The historic and current doctrine of Islam is to subdue or eliminate the Jews.  This is a belief held by the vast majority of Islamic leaders in the world.  The US government has not yet publicly accepted this fact.

It therefore makes sense that nearly all the citizens of Gaza endorse this belief to a significant degree – many rabidly.  Appeasement toward Islam has been the policy of the US government since well before 9-11.  Throwing billions of dollars at hostile Islamic nations in the hopes that they will hate us less has been the US practice for decades.  The US continues to insist this practice should be applied to “the citizens of Gaza.”

Their government

From Wikipedia: 

“The governance of the Gaza Strip since the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in June 2007 has been carried out by Hamas, which is often referred to as the Hamas government in Gaza.”

From the CIA Factbook: 

“The Gaza Strip has been under the de facto governing authority of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) since 2007…”

Hamas came to power through intifada, aka “uprising.”  Uprisings typically occur through “popular revolt”. From this fact, it is easy to conclude that “the citizens of Gaza” support Hamas, their governing authority.

Their goals

The goal of Hamas and “the citizens of Gaza” are the same as the goals of what the Western media calls “radical Islam”:  To subdue or eliminate “infidels”, aka, those who do not follow strict tenants of Islam.  “Radical Islam” is the main body of Islamic doctrine both historically and currently in the Middle East. In the West, the goals are more subdued or hidden, thus the media refers to the Muslim majority in the West as “moderate Muslims.” 

Their morality

Islamic morality differs significantly from that of Jews and Christians – from that in the West, generally.  Lying and deceit to protect oneself or defend beliefs, referred to as taqiyya, is predominant and accepted practice in Islamic culture, while it is frowned upon in Judeo-Christian/Western culture.  The West tends to apply our expectations of morality to Muslims usually with unexpected and devastating results.

Case study:  The ‘Hospital Incident’

The missile that hit the parking lot of the Al-Ahli hospital in north Gaza in the early morning of October 18th provides a stark example of Islamic morality.

Islamic Jihad, one of many militant/terror groups in Gaza, fired a barrage of rockets toward Israel. One rocket veered off course and landed in the hospital parking lot two miles from the launch site, spewing and igniting volatile rocket accelerant through the immediate area. The hospital building was not significantly damaged.  There is overwhelming evidence that the rocket was fired from Gaza, did not destroy the hospital, and few were killed.

Hamas immediately spread the lie that an Israeli rocket destroyed the hospital killing 500 innocents. This incited mobs in a dozen Islamic nations to mass demonstrations and attacks on Israeli and Western embassies.

Even in the US, Muslim Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar aka AOC, instigated mob demonstrations throughout Washington DC resulting in over 500 arrests. Even a full 24 hours after indisputable facts debunked their rabid erroneous accusations, they persisted.

For people such as these, it is moral and proper for white to be called black in defense of their beliefs.

Here is much more concerning worldwide Islamic fabrication of the hospital incident:

So, these are “the citizens of Gaza” that our government wants to protect and provide $100,000,000 to “help.”  How has that “help” to Iran and other Islamic nations, winning their "hearts and minds" worked out for us so far?  US advice/warning to Israel to play nice with “the citizens of Gaza” is of no help at all to Israel.


As an aside, I was wondering why this hospital was initially reported as “Baptist Hospital.”  Here is the reason:

The hospital has been in operation since 1882. It was founded by the Church of England’s Church Mission Society and was later run as a medical mission by the Southern Baptist Conference between 1954 and 1982. It returned to the Anglican Church in the 1980s.

The irony never ceases to amaze.