Do you really think liberals like Chuck Schumer are taking the moral high road on immigration? Do you really believe the engraved adage “give me your tired, your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” applies to virtually every situation this nation ever will encountered?
Emma Lazarus penned those words in 1883. These words are now used as if they have universal, perpetual, and infinite applicability. The reality is they don’t. Accepting immigrants back then meant accepting those from nations and civilizations who shared the values of this nation, who look forward to the promises of the freedoms this new land offered.
While Emma Lazarus was the liberal Chuck Schumer of her day she made sense – back then.
Today, she would be Chuck Schumer, a man who argues for a national policy that is both out of touch and dangerous given the nature of the ideology, culture and behaviors of the immigrants who pose a great risk to our nation.
Schumer and the other tear-jerk liberals would be more up front with the rest of us if they changed Emma’s poem to this:
Give me your crime, your malcontents,
your befuddled Muslims, yearning for Sharia,
The Islamic jihadi who hopes to vent.
Send these, who will make our land as tempest-tossed as theirs is:
I lift my blind eye to the ones who evil sent.
No, Chuckie, these are not the same innocent, tempest-tossed folk of the 1800’s yearning to breathe free.
Those who our much more prudent government intend to keep out are nothing like the immigrants who shared our values. Those from Muslim nations do not. Quite the opposite. The great majority want nothing to do with our values except the freebies that enable them to impose their own sick, perverse version of civilization on the rest of us.
As a reminder for those who haven’t been paying attention: The so-called Islamic “religion” is much more a political and military ideology intending to subvert all those of other belief systems to their own or face the consequences that are clearly spelled out in their holy books, traditions, and interpretations by the great majority of their Muslim leaders. There is no “yearning to breathe free” except using our freedoms to impose Islamic Sharia which bears no relationship to “freedom.”
The Trump administration is doing absolutely the right thing. We must defend against those who have a clear record of doing us harm. The evidence is in their culture, their beliefs, and their actions. It is insanity, Chuckie, to do otherwise.