Sunday, July 14, 2024

Failure to prevent assassination attempt: Planned or Incompetence?

 There are too many screaming coincidences in the attempted Trump assassination to believe it was planned and carried out solely by a screwed up 20-year old.

First is the the vitriol demonstrated by the Democrats and know-nothings in this country.  Remember the severed Trump head held up by the hair by brainless Trump-hating Kathy Griffin, representing most of Hollywood?

Throughout the past several years the aptly named mental illness of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) has been applied to half the population that goes insane in their Trump hatred for reasons they can’t express, other than the snowflakes believe he is “insensitive” or “mean spirited.”

Then we had the never-ending failed series of concocted impeachment attempts and endless litigation that is more correctly known as “lawfare.”  These are also falling apart.

Most recently the media and Democrat campaign has been painting Trump a “threat to democracy” or a “dangerous Hitleresque Nazi.” Last week (July 8th) Biden proclaimed: ‘We’re Done Talking About the Debate, it’s Time to Put Trump in a Bullseye’.

Trump-hating Jonathan Karl of far left ABC News (typical of most mainstream media talking heads) had the audacity to accuse Republicans of politicizing the attempted assassination while  he totally ignored all the irrational Democrat hate expressed before, and especially Biden urging his supporters "to put Trump in a bullseye."  Jonathan Karl: Go to hell!

Amidst that backdrop we have the dramatic lapses of  the Biden-run Secret Service that enabled the assassination attempt.

Why was the security zone only extended to the fence line?  Why didn’t it include the buildings within 130 yards with a direct line of sight to the podium? Even an unpracticed shooter with an AR can shoot within a few inches of a target at that range.

Several bystanders informed police and Secret Service minutes before the shooting that there was a man climbing on top of the building with a rifle.  Those advanced warnings were ignored. Why?

Why did it take 45 seconds for the Secret Service sharpshooters to take down the shooter after shots were fired?

Other reports, which the Biden administration is denying, are that repeated requests for additional Secret Service protection have repeatedly been denied. 

Like the Kennedy assassination:  Let them shoot.  Then kill the assassin to cover up for whoever instigated the event.

Was the Secret Service security lapse due to incompetence or was it a purposeful lapse planned from on high?

The Biden administration and main stream media are complicit on so many levels.

Final thoughts:

What would have been the outcome in this nation if the assassination was successful?  What level of civil unrest would have resulted?  What sort of Constitutional crisis would have been created?

Many who keep track of these events believe these attempts to eliminate Trump are not over.

1 comment:

  1. Brother Michael9:51 PM

    Absolutely right. There's waaay more to the story than what we're seeing, and for that matter, what we will be seeing. There are too many spooks in the closet.


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