Saturday, June 29, 2024

We don’t know who is running this country!


Who?  Some say Soros.  Some say Obama.  Some say a corporate cabal.  We don’t really know who is running this country.  We know it isn’t Biden.  He’s just the propped up, empty shell. That was confirmed beyond all doubt on June 27, 2024.

We know the deep state is rife with pro-Palestinians and other Islamists.  We know it’s heavily endowed with Communists.  McCarthy was right in the ‘50’s.  He’d be even more right today.

Who the electorate supposedly “elected”, Biden, is a mere decoy - a puppet.  The Biden voters were duped.

The Biden voter, aka, [mostly] Trump Haters, have been foisting their own fraud on the rest of the nation.  They are defending the lying cabal that is accusing Trump of lying.  Today’s New York Times editorial that calls for Biden to exit the race, is just one example of the many continuing lies and liars against Trump. 

So, who is leading our nation?  Who is pulling the strings?

We are in one precarious pernicious position.


  1. Brother Michael1:01 PM

    Absolutely right.

  2. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Hard to reconcile the number of Judaists employed by the Biden ghostwriters gang and the notion of pro-Palestinian politics. I think that only happens in the wider, more stupid world of wokeism!

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      You helped prove my point. It is anyone's guess who is running this country. But it is even harder to reconcile this: The Biden administration (pro-Palestinians) promoting a 2-state "solution" for a group of Muslims who vow eradication of a nation and a race (Israel and Jews) and provide billions to Iran and Islamo-Palestinian causes while falsely claiming Jews are in control. Your comment was quite Palestinian-esque.

  3. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Dr. Jill, a major prop behind the puppet, needs a "come to Jesus" sit down with ol' Joe.

  4. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Someone with a lot more common sense needs a "come to Jesus" sit down with wonky Dr. Jill!


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