Thursday, October 19, 2023

The "Citizens of Gaza"

 President Biden proclaims that Israel has every right to go after Hamas, but Israel must protect and provide aid to the citizens of Gaza.

Why is this such insanely bad advice? Let’s explore who the “citizens of Gaza” really are, what they believe and what they want.

Their religion

Sunni Muslim is the religion of 98 to 99% of the population based on a 2012 estimate reported by Wikiwand:

The historic and current doctrine of Islam is to subdue or eliminate the Jews.  This is a belief held by the vast majority of Islamic leaders in the world.  The US government has not yet publicly accepted this fact.

It therefore makes sense that nearly all the citizens of Gaza endorse this belief to a significant degree – many rabidly.  Appeasement toward Islam has been the policy of the US government since well before 9-11.  Throwing billions of dollars at hostile Islamic nations in the hopes that they will hate us less has been the US practice for decades.  The US continues to insist this practice should be applied to “the citizens of Gaza.”

Their government

From Wikipedia: 

“The governance of the Gaza Strip since the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in June 2007 has been carried out by Hamas, which is often referred to as the Hamas government in Gaza.”

From the CIA Factbook: 

“The Gaza Strip has been under the de facto governing authority of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) since 2007…”

Hamas came to power through intifada, aka “uprising.”  Uprisings typically occur through “popular revolt”. From this fact, it is easy to conclude that “the citizens of Gaza” support Hamas, their governing authority.

Their goals

The goal of Hamas and “the citizens of Gaza” are the same as the goals of what the Western media calls “radical Islam”:  To subdue or eliminate “infidels”, aka, those who do not follow strict tenants of Islam.  “Radical Islam” is the main body of Islamic doctrine both historically and currently in the Middle East. In the West, the goals are more subdued or hidden, thus the media refers to the Muslim majority in the West as “moderate Muslims.” 

Their morality

Islamic morality differs significantly from that of Jews and Christians – from that in the West, generally.  Lying and deceit to protect oneself or defend beliefs, referred to as taqiyya, is predominant and accepted practice in Islamic culture, while it is frowned upon in Judeo-Christian/Western culture.  The West tends to apply our expectations of morality to Muslims usually with unexpected and devastating results.

Case study:  The ‘Hospital Incident’

The missile that hit the parking lot of the Al-Ahli hospital in north Gaza in the early morning of October 18th provides a stark example of Islamic morality.

Islamic Jihad, one of many militant/terror groups in Gaza, fired a barrage of rockets toward Israel. One rocket veered off course and landed in the hospital parking lot two miles from the launch site, spewing and igniting volatile rocket accelerant through the immediate area. The hospital building was not significantly damaged.  There is overwhelming evidence that the rocket was fired from Gaza, did not destroy the hospital, and few were killed.

Hamas immediately spread the lie that an Israeli rocket destroyed the hospital killing 500 innocents. This incited mobs in a dozen Islamic nations to mass demonstrations and attacks on Israeli and Western embassies.

Even in the US, Muslim Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar aka AOC, instigated mob demonstrations throughout Washington DC resulting in over 500 arrests. Even a full 24 hours after indisputable facts debunked their rabid erroneous accusations, they persisted.

For people such as these, it is moral and proper for white to be called black in defense of their beliefs.

Here is much more concerning worldwide Islamic fabrication of the hospital incident:

So, these are “the citizens of Gaza” that our government wants to protect and provide $100,000,000 to “help.”  How has that “help” to Iran and other Islamic nations, winning their "hearts and minds" worked out for us so far?  US advice/warning to Israel to play nice with “the citizens of Gaza” is of no help at all to Israel.


As an aside, I was wondering why this hospital was initially reported as “Baptist Hospital.”  Here is the reason:

The hospital has been in operation since 1882. It was founded by the Church of England’s Church Mission Society and was later run as a medical mission by the Southern Baptist Conference between 1954 and 1982. It returned to the Anglican Church in the 1980s.

The irony never ceases to amaze.

1 comment:

  1. Brother Michael11:56 AM

    Moochie: You are one of the eerily few lights in the darkness.

    None of what is actually happening makes any sense at all.


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