Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Israel Versus World Opinion

 There are several common themes lodged against Israel by Palestinian promoters around the world:

1. Israel is not protecting “Gaza citizens.”  Many “innocent Gazans” are getting killed by Israeli bombing.

2. Israel is not supplying resources to Gaza citizens. They’re without food, water and medical treatment.

3. Israel won’t allow Gaza “citizens” out of Gaza.

4. The mother of all complaints:  Palestinians, not Jews, have the right to land “occupied” by Israel.

So, let’s flesh out the illogic of these complaints.

1. Israel is not protecting “Gaza citizens.”  

Who are the Gaza “citizens” that Biden and the other enemies of Israel want to protect? The following is from https://gellerreport.com/2023/10/most-recent-palestinian-poll-over-half-would-vote-for-hamas.html/

Most recent Palestinian polling data show overwhelming preference for the Hamas terror organization.  1270 adults face-face interviews, 6/7-11/23, confirm public preference for Hamas over Fatah: Hamas +10% over Fatah in “deserving to represent the people”; Hamas leader Haniyeh +23% over Fatah’s Abbas to be President.

When asked about the best thing that happened to the ‘Palestinians’ since the establishment of Israel,  a quarter believed that the formation of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and their entry into armed struggle.

When asked about the recent armed confrontations between the Gaza Strip and Israel…..Hamas’s popularity was not damaged in either the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.

The ever elusive “innocent civilian” in Gaza appears harder and harder to find.

Conclusion:  At a minimum, a majority of Palestinian citizens (inclusive of Gazans) support Hamas.

Further, 99% of Gazans are Muslim.  Islamic doctrine, both historic and current, promote a Palestinian state and the elimination of Jews, generally, and Israel specifically. Since Gazans are Muslim, it is easy to conclude that nearly 100% of Gazan “citizens” supported the actions of the Hamas terror raid.

2. Israel is not supplying resources to Gaza citizens.

Why should Israel supply resources to the “citizens” of Gaza?  Hugh Fitzgerald, a writer on Jihad Watch, gives a rational answer.


The Jewish state is under no obligation to supply anything at all to the people of Gaza, who have produced Hamas, who join Hamas, who support Hamas even if they are not members. 

Why should Israel be expected to supply its enemies with any resources? Would the Americans have delivered food and water to Nazi Germany, or to militarist Japan, during World War II? Would we have supplied electricity, food, or fuel to those living in the Islamic State? Gaza has the coastal aquifer to supply some water, and it is not completely, as Sadiq Khan claims, “without water.” Gaza’s chronic lack of water is a result of three things: weak resource management, rapid population growth, and a failure to pay for WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) infrastructure.

Is Israel at fault if Gazans have so many children, and that staggering increase in population requires more water? Is Israel to blame for the mismanagement of water resources by Hamas, including its allowing raw sewage to flow, untreated, into the sea? Or should we blame Israel for the billions of dollars in aid siphoned off by a handful of Hamas leaders, with five billion dollars being stolen by just two of them, Khaled Meshaal and Mousa Abu Marzouk? Did Israel force Hamas to spend so much money on war-making rather than on the husbanding and production of water?

One item Hugh left out of his analysis:  Hamas (Gaza citizens) dug up many hundreds of feet of water pipe to build missiles air mailed to Israel.

3. Israel won’t allow Gaza “citizens” out of Gaza.

This claim is bogus on several levels.

First, the definition of “citizen” includes Hamas soldiers and sympathizers, the legitimate target of Israel.

Second, and more significantly, virtually NONE of the Islamic nations in the neighborhood will accept Gazan refugees.  Why not?  Two reasons:

1) They want to be able to blame Israel for any harm that befalls them for propaganda purposes, and

2) They want the Gazan population to remain in Gaza to bolster the efforts of Islam to establish a Palestinian state to further their goal of eliminating Israel.

Here is a typical pro-Palestinian AP headline that demonstrates this tactic:

Israel bombs Gaza region where civilians were told to seek refuge


4. “Palestinians”, not Jews, have the right to land “occupied” by Israel.

By this logic, Florida should go back to Spain, the US southwest ought to return to Mexico, and Alaska should be returned to Russia.

And this fully ignores ancient history where Jews have occupied the lands of present day Israel for millennia.

So pick a date, any date, and one can argue that anyone standing on any given parcel for more than five minutes has perpetual rights to it.

Here is Wikipedia’s tortured and convoluted description of the origins of “Palestine’: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Origin_of_the_Palestinians

No doubt Wikipedia/al Jazeera will promote origins different from that explained by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, which makes a lot more sense as follows:

  • What is the source of the name “Palestine?” It is not Arab; it is derived from the name “Palestina,” by which the Roman Emperor Hadrian chose to call the land after the defeat of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135 CE. His aim was to erase “Judea.”
  • According to Palestinian historian Muhammad Y. Muslih, during the entire 400 year period of Ottoman rule (1517-1918), before the British set up the 30-year-long Palestine Mandate, “There was no political unit known as Palestine.” In Arabic, the area was known as al-Ard al-Muqadassa (the holy land), or Surya al-Janubiyya (southern Syria), but not Palestine.
  • Not a single Palestinian tribe identifies its roots in Canaan; instead, they all see themselves as proud Arabs descended from the most notable Arab tribes of the Hejaz, today’s Iraq, or Yemen. Even the Kanaan family of Nablus locates its origins in Syria. Some Palestinian clans are Kurdish or Egyptian in origin, and in Mount Hebron, there are traditions of Jewish origins.
  • This study does not deny the right of the Palestinian clans as a whole to define themselves as a Palestinian people. It would be better, however, if the Palestinian leadership were to choose a positive and constructive narrative and not a baseless one that is intended to negate that of the Jews of Israel.


The common denominator of Israel’s current and perpetual problem is Islam; the Islamic doctrine and practice of Jew hatred.

Bottom line:  This is not so much about real estate as it is about the Islamic doctrine and strong aspiration to eliminate Jews.  Islam:  The anti-Semitic contagion of the world.

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