Saturday, September 21, 2024

Overview of the World’s Bastards

 I often write to identify and synthesize the things that are bothering me about what is going on in the world.  Since it is impossible for me to do much about these situations, at least writing about them helps me understand the world’s predicament.

I’ll start with Islam.

Islam:  A 6th century political ideology self identified as a “religion” – the wild asses of the Old Testament.  Islam dominates the Middle East with its doctrines of conquest, militarism, intolerance of any other belief, political, or cultural system, especially Judaism.  It is best known for Jihad, violence, and deception.  Atrocities that are committed in the Middle East are almost always attributed to generic entities such as “men” committed this, or “Iran” committed that, or Hamas, ISIS, Al Qaeda or Hezbollah did this or that.  Such identification seldom mentions “Muslims” or people practicing their Islamic faith -  despite the fact that Islam motivates each if these entities and is behind most of these atrocities.

United Nations (UN):  The UN was created to assure peace and avoid war.  It has become a corrupt institution - a money sucking, inefficient, ineffective bureaucracy controlled primarily by Islamic nations.  In the Middle East it has proven itself to be in bed with those who continue to carry out atrocities against Israel and more moderate Islamic entities because they are not Islamic enough.

Leftists: I define “leftists” as those who favor larger government, more government control through more regulation, higher taxes, less personal responsibility, and less free speech.  Socialism and Communism are forms of leftism.  Humans have a propensity for wanting others to do for them what they can and should do for themselves.  Leftists play into this tendency to gain power.  Leftism is an evil that destroys the human will and productivity.

Mainstream media:  I define the mainstream media as the large corporate communications entities, including ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, large urban newspapers and large social media outlets such as Facebook Google and MSN, and news outlets such as AP and Reuters. The mainstream media promotes leftism and controversy for profit. It is dominated by journalism students of the revolting ‘60’s hippie generation who never appreciated the history and successes of this nation.

Corporate America:  Most large corporations, such at Amazon, other large retailers, and others genuflect to perverse and perverted cultural trends.  They are amoral organizations that will pander to any evil that they believe will add to their bottom line.  Fortunately several of these attempts have backfired – Bud Lite, Harley Davidson, and John Deere come to mind.

Democrats:  Joe Biden (basically useless at this point, but still a tool), Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, and the great majority of the Democrat establishment pander to the “gimme more” segment of our population, which is large and growing.  I consider them to be pure evil based upon their destructive open borders, their disregard of law and order, their refusal to promote or even allow the production of domestic energy, their disregard for the first and second amendments, their endless, excessive government spending, their politicized criminal justice system, and their inconsistent, untrustworthy foreign policies.

Lazy, uninformed voters:  This one bothers me the most.  How nearly half of the electorate still want to vote for the word salad queen who trades in emotion and lacks substance is beyond me.  That desire is based on rampant ignorance of what is going on in the world and in our nation.  They are willing to be lazy sheep lured into dependence on government.  They are happy as clams as long as they are being fed bullshit.

Those who believe they have the power of God:  “Follow the Science!”  This has been the mantra of the COVID gods.  “Government knows best” is close behind.  “Trust our leaders” is next.  The Centers for Disease Control, the FBI, CIA and Secret Service have lost the faith of a lot of people over the last decade or so.  These are all federal government entities that people have trusted to do their thinking for them.  These agencies long for influence and control.  That is why they exist.  To a large extent they wish to replace not only human freedoms, but also replace faith in the power of God.

So that’s it on my end.  Bastards all.  I probably have a few more bothersome things lurking in the recesses of my mind and I’m quite sure you can think of more.