Thursday, May 30, 2024

One Small Step for Leftists - One Giant Leap Toward Civil War

The Democrats, other leftists and Trump haters scored a victory with the conviction of Trump based on bad evidence, lying witnesses, a jaded legal system, and unethical instructions to the jury by a Judge who publicly vowed to "get Trump."

Yes, this will be appealed.  But it is almost certain that any appeal will not be heard until AFTER the election.  And the appeals will STILL occur in the legally corrupt state of New York.

So, what happens in the meantime, before the election?

What can we expect from Trump supporters?  What can we expect from those who were on the fence and independents?  What can we expect from people who are painfully aware many of our current leaders appear to be purposely destroying our nation?

What is so troubling to me is the legal system that convicted Trump on May 30, 2024, is not limited to New York City.  Many Pollyanna's will excuse this travesty by claiming it is just a New York thing - New York - the Trump hating bastion of the nation. Unfortunately, this is NOT just a New York thing.

This corruption of the legal system is a nationwide thing - occurring in every big city across the continent.  Flash shop lifting mobs are let out before sunset.  Multiple DUI drivers driving with revoked licenses are released.  A woman who stole a police car and ran over a police officer was found "not guilty."

This disregard for civility and disregard for justice by our legal system has become commonplace.  Criminals caught in the act of violent crimes are released the next day.  Tens of thousands of illegal aliens who are not vetted, with the majority being military aged men, are relocated to small and medium sized towns across the nation in the middle of the night by our Federal Government. They are ordered to report in -  maybe ten years. Who are they?  How many are ISIS and other similarly motivated Islamic sympathizers, MS-13, and other criminals. Most likely, the majority.

The lack of justice promoted by Soros-funded legal systems across the nation is bad enough.   Trump's conviction is a stark reminder that evil has become "good", and good has become "evil."

How much more turmoil with today's legal travesty create across the nation?  While the Pollyannas suggest that a fair and just legal system will prevail, I disagree.  We have instead taken a giant leap toward civil war.


  1. Gerry you hit the nail on the head this was absolutely correct. These people are out there minds. They are so corrupt Jesus save us

  2. I'm holding out hope that the voters will turn things around in November. Based on the money ($30 million) that Trump raised in the first 6 hours after the verdict, I think a lot of people are realizing that we're becoming a banana republic, even some Democrats are realizing that, too. Pray, that with God's help, we can turn this country around and become what our Founding Fathers originally planned it to be.

    Linda Buch


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