Saturday, October 08, 2011

Herman Cain at the Values Voter Summit…

This is a speech that is too good to ignore.

Cain is the most dynamic speaker of the lot of Republican candidates.  This is someone who has ideals and is confident enough about them to promote them with enthusiasm.

You gotta listen to this…


  1. This man almost brings tears to my eyes. Did you notice there was no teleprompter in front of him?

  2. Oddly, I received a comment from an "Anonymous" who stated Cain is no more qualified to run than the guard at the front desk and that anyone who runs for President ought to use a telelprompter.

    An Obama supporter, don't you think? And one who is too lazy to learn about Cains qualifications and too half-cocked to refrain from expressing his ignorant opinion before he does. That is a reality of the electorate we are up against. I would have listed Cain's qualifications in this reply except I realize that some individuals are beyond caring.

  3. Anonymous4:59 PM

    He tells it like it ought to be! Let's hope he gets the opportunity to help make it happen.


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