Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Recent "You Gotta Be Kiddin'" Quotes from Obama

On the right of Iran to procure a nuclear capability: "Without going into specifics, what I do believe is that Iran has legitimate energy concerns, legitimate aspirations. On the other hand, the international community has a very real interest in preventing a nuclear arms race in the region."

Obama declared these "energy concerns" in the context of defending Iran's nuclear program. Mr. President: Why, when Iran is sitting on one of the world's largest oil and gas reserves - and when Iran has vowed to destroy one of our few and most dedicated allies? Why?

On the United States as a Muslim nation: In an interview with Laura Haim on Canal Plus, a French television station, Mr. Obama noted that the United States also could be considered as “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”

The US a Muslim country? When did that happen?

Check out the small size of the US Muslim population relative to that of Muslim nations. Indonesia: 200 million Muslims. India: 156 million Muslims. Pakistan: 150 million Muslims. United States: 2.3 million Muslims (according to the Pew Research Center).

Why would he say such a thing? Why? Oh, and he did say last month "Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation – at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers."

On the incredible scientific and mathematical output of centuries of Islamic culture: “I think the most important thing I want to tell young people is that, regardless of your faith, those who build as opposed to those who destroy I think leave a lasting legacy, not only for themselves but also for their nations,” Mr. Obama said.“And the impulse towards destruction as opposed to how can we study science and mathematics and restore the incredible scientific and knowledge — the output that came about during centuries of Islamic culture.”

Yes, Islamic culture had its day. But today it is a repressive scientific and mathematical backwater. It does appear Obama is hyping the development of the Islamic world ahead of his own nation. Why Mr. President? Why?

And what he didn't say: After the recent deadly attack on an Army recruiter by a recent convert to Islam with self-declared relgious and political motives, Obama said NOTHING. Here is Michelle Malkins view of this glaring omission:

"PM President Obama announced his choice for Army Secretary this afternoon.

The news isn’t what he said in his statement about GOP Rep. John McHugh:

“As Secretary of the Army, he will ensure that our soldiers are trained and equipped to meet the full spectrum of challenges and threats of our time. And John [McHugh] shares my belief that a sustainable national security strategy must include a bipartisan consensus at home, and he brings patriotism and a pragmatism that has won him respect on both sides of the aisle. I look forward to working with him in the months and years ahead.”

The news is what he left out.

Not a word about the jihadi attack on the two Army recruiters in Arkansas. No condemnation of the heinous attack and senseless violence. No condolences for the families of the targeted men or praise for the military recruiters who have been under increasing attack on U.S. soil. No statements from the DOJ or Pentagon, either.



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